View Full Version : Bootable Starcraft CD

07-13-2003, 01:08 PM
I thought it would be mildly cool if I could make a Knoppix disk that would have starcraft built in. All you need do is stick in the CD, reboot and voila, starcraft for all.

I was wondering how I would go about this or if there was already such an invention floating around the 'net. I'm a total newbie as far as linux is concerned but I'm willing to learn.

I have a legal copy of Starcraft and Starcraft: Broodwar. I also downloaded the 6/6/2003 Knoppix 3.2 ISO and I've burnt it to a disc.

Anyone know any sites or tutorials that would help me out?

Baby steps please. :D


07-13-2003, 02:41 PM
If there is a Starcraft mod it can't be redistributed because it's proprietary. Morfix game mod has Freecraft. Maybe not as cool as Starcraft (I've never played Starcraft) but still a fun game to try out.

07-13-2003, 02:56 PM
If I wanted to make it totally legit I would just do it with the spawn install version of starcraft. It's TCP/IP or UDP MP only. That's all I want.

Can anyone link me to a good program, that runs under windows, that lets me chop and choose programs that go into my linux ISO? I want to chop everything out and just have Wine and the starcraft files in there so starcraft will run.

I'm running NTFS so I don't really want to stuff around in linux to get a new ISO. I've found this "knoppix-customize" program but it's a CLI-based thing and is rather tedious to use.


07-13-2003, 07:09 PM

Before you go ahead and put in any hard effort into Remaster KNOPPIX for your Starcraft autoloader with wine, first check that Starcraft works on wine.

Unless I am getting the wrong impression heres what I recommend you go do first. Wine isn't your perfect Everything Works Windowns Emulator for Linux. In fact, there are tons of programs that don't work at all and/or have many issues with them. As wine progresses, it gets exponentially better by each day, but first do a HDInstall of KNOPPIX and see how StarCraft works in Wine. Cause its very well possible that it won't work at all, or it may work very well.

Once you know that situation, then it would be the right time to go full head of steam for remastering Knoppix.