View Full Version : Error with useradd?

07-15-2003, 03:59 AM
Running latest version of Knoppix and want to setup another user on Knoppix, besides root and knoppix.

I did useradd cmmiller. When checking under /home, I do not see anything for /cmmiller. But, if I try to login, I am told user does not exist, but if I try to create user again, I am told that user already exist.


07-15-2003, 04:14 AM
You need to use adduser user_name to get the /etc/skel files copied to a home directory with the user_name you are using the wrong command useradd just adds a user to the system and nothing else it won't even prompt for a password you have to do that manually as well. You will want to use the deluser command to remove the created user and then adduser for your new user.

07-16-2003, 01:58 AM
Thanks for the help. That worked!

And, thanks for all of your help with the other questions that I"ve asked. I've tried to send a PM to you, but keep getting 404 error.
