View Full Version : Yes it's a dumb question...

07-17-2003, 05:11 AM
...you never know. So here it goes:

I wanted to know if it was possible to remove the cd well knoppix was running. You see I only have on cd-rom drive which is also my Burner.
I want to burn some files but the knoppix cd is in there and I'm sure as hell not going to just pull it out and possible do permenant damage to my PC. :shock:

Soooooo, here I am asking a question that will probably get me flamed but i just gotta know!! :P

Thanks in Advance!!! :twisted:

07-17-2003, 06:13 AM
It's in the docs (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/HdBasedHowTo). The search function will also answer alot of questions.

07-18-2003, 07:45 AM
Laughing out loud....

Mr Bacherus is quite correct in encouraging you to self-helf, but I'm guessing you didn't realise you could "search" for answers to your questions before posting.... am I right? (I know I am coz I did the same thing).

Bit of advice.... first, search this forum.... second, search on Google..

Then post a query.... if you done the first two people will bend over backwards to help you out coz you got them interested... many nice folks in this forum IMHO.

Once you get used to finding answers this way you won't believe the amount of information is available at your fingertips, regardless of whether or not it is totally applicable to you, and you'll end up learning a lot more a lot quicker.... I DID :p

Regards, Mike.