View Full Version : Modems that work

07-19-2003, 02:21 AM
I've decided to just buy a new 56k modem instead of try and get the one i have now to work in knoppix so if anyone whos modem worked and got them on the net the first time they tried could you please tell me the name of it. Thanks.

07-19-2003, 08:04 PM
Intel 536ep Modem

Works in ML | Knoppix | MS-WIN , drivers are available for Linux + Windows.

Knoppix is (Debian-Based) , you have to add a couple of lines to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh to
load drivers at boot-up ! All other Linux - Win there is no hitch!
(INSTRUCTIONS - in Install tell what lines to add to bootmisc.sh)

I'm using one now on Knoppix, connect at 50666 most of the time.

Connect in Windows is 46666 most of the time.

GigaByte GA-7DXR | AMD XP 1600+ CPU


07-20-2003, 07:33 AM
I've decided to just buy a new 56k modem instead of try and get the one i have now to work in knoppix so if anyone whos modem worked and got them on the net the first time they tried could you please tell me the name of it. Thanks.

Just save your self A LOT of headaches, Linux/Knoppix, DOS, or even wimpdoze wise.

Buy a REAL HARDWARE based modem, one that has a CONTROLLER on board. If I ever get my hands on the people who developed this controllerless modem thing I am going to make them start to use slide rules and paper again.

Acer/Aopen ITU/2
3Com/USR 4456? (Check the #)
Motorola ModemSurfer (Ebay)
SmartData (http://www.bestdata.com/linuxmodems.htm)

A real good indicator is any modem that costs below $40.00 is 80% likley to be a wimpmodem and be a controllerless one that relies on the CPU to work. Just look at Newegg.com and see all those $10.-20.00 modems. JUNK!

Other phrases to watch our for is AMR, controllerless, HCF, SFM56.

YES, there are drivers floating around that MAY work with Linux. Key MAY. Just spare your self the problems, even if the drivers load and Linux/Knoppix tries to use the thing. Softmodems are the not worth the headaches.

Check out: