View Full Version : sftp

07-24-2003, 03:49 AM
Konqueror is the best gui ftp client I have ever seen. Preview, drag, and drop files all integrated into the file browser.

But I can't get sftp to work at all. After about a minute it times out and says "Can not talk to SSH". I know the address is correct because I can connect using the command line sftp no problem. The format is sftp://username@address.

I have been looking around and the problem looks pretty common. I even submitted a bug report to KDE. But it would be a big help if any of you fellow Knoppix users have some suggestions.

Also, in case that dosen't work does anyone know anything about fish? Is that as secure as sftp and what does the sever have to do to provide it?

07-24-2003, 05:18 AM
Hi MattT


Konqueror --> Settings --> Configure Konqueror
---> Crypto --> OpenSLL (tab) --> (folder)
--> /usr/lib/ssl/ --> Test

Best Wishes

07-24-2003, 06:06 PM
Test returned successfully and I clicked apply. Still get same error though.

07-25-2003, 01:52 AM
Also, in case that dosen't work does anyone know anything about fish? Is that as secure as sftp and what does the sever have to do to provide it?

From the Kio_Fish Home page (http://ich.bin.kein.hoschi.de/fish/)

kio_fish is a kioslave for KDE 2/3 that lets you view and manipulate your remote files using just a simple shell account and some standard unix commands on the remote machine. You get full filesystem access without setting up a server - no NFS, Samba, ... needed.

Usage is really simple: open up a konqueror window (or use the Alt-F2 dialog) and type 'fish://user@remote.machi.ne'. kio_fish will ask you for the password, if any is needed, and you will start out in your home directory. Now you can do everything you do on your local hard disk.

So really fish is just a way to use ssh throuh a gui. It should be as secure as ssh. In order to use fish the server needs to be running ssh.

I really like fish. I always forget scp commands and so fish works nicely for me.