View Full Version : Leave a few MB of the CD blank?

07-25-2003, 11:26 AM
How about leaving a few MB of the cd blank, then you could write a settings file there after you've set Knoppix up how you want it - your settings could be persistent.

I don't know if this is possible with an ISO or whether the lead in /out take too much room but it'd be nicer than having to put a floppy in every boot or trying to hack the ISO itself.


07-27-2003, 07:42 AM
What are you thinking of? A cd-rw? Storing a persistant home on the unused space of the cd-rw used for knoppix?

07-27-2003, 06:05 PM
Well, I suppose that's a possibility. My original thought was that the first time you boot knoppix you could adjust the settings to your liking and then id would save that to an unused area of the cd. I hear it is possible to add a script to the root directory of the cd that will be run each time knoppix is loaded - I was thinking that if a small space could be left then knoppix itself could save the script on the cd.

The idea of using a CD-RW sounds excellent in principal... I imagine we'd have to wait for the upcoming kernels with support for accissing a cd-rw as a HD.

08-16-2003, 12:04 AM
Maybe it whould be more practical to let knoppix duplicate (kopie) itself with the
settings you made to let your system work optimal. Maby there could made a script for that?

08-18-2003, 10:21 AM
I did this when using lnx-bbc (http://www.lnx-bbc.org/) on a full size CD-R, I had problems with mounting the diffrent sessions on the CD, I had to rewrite a new complete session with all the data if I wanted to change just a Doc file.

So to do this you will need to see if you can burn a CD with more than one session and that you can mount a specific session under linux. This is the most important part to make it work.

Then there need to be changes to the myconfig script to look for other sessions on the CD and load the config from there.

How to remove packges from Knoppix is described in the Wiki. (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/KnoppixRemasteringHowto)

09-25-2003, 08:43 PM
If you have access to a windows machine, you can cheat with a winiso program or similar and remove the 40MB of open music to spare some room for your scripts, witch I think they will be much more usefull unless you really like the music on the CD (good idea, by the way).

Or you can extract the boot from the cd and the files and place them on a a bigger iso file to burn on a 100min CDR. I'm quite sure you can do the trick from linux too, it's just I haven't tryed such a trick so I don't know what are the needed commands/programs.

Can someone point to some linux utility to make the same than winiso? (editing the files on a .iso file, adding/removing files, changing/extracting/adding an "el torito" boot record, etc)

11-10-2003, 08:57 PM
Forget the CD-RW idea, a CD-RW typically contains less data than a standard CD of 650 Mb. So you easily lose about 70 Mb, which is quite a lot !

Erik. (B)

12-21-2003, 12:58 AM
1. There are 700MB discs
2. They wouldn't be absolutely necessary

As I understand it, a multi-session CD could accomplish this easily, removing the Music (and thus getting some extra space) would give enough romm for an initial configuration to be added at the first boot. Of course, no frther writing after that would be possible