View Full Version : Konqueror Startup Page

07-28-2003, 02:17 PM
Ok, I've looked in all the places in KDE Control Center, Konqueror web settings, Konqueror Settings and I am obviously missing the right spot.

How do you set the site/page that opens UPON START UP of Konqueror web browser.

I set the home page in the settings, but that only affects the button not the start page.


07-28-2003, 05:44 PM
Open Konqueror, Settings>Configure Konqueror>Behavior>Home URL

07-29-2003, 06:41 AM
Open Konqueror, Settings>Configure Konqueror>Behavior>Home URL

Thanks, but as the saying goes "been there, done that." No joy. :( :cry:

And its really starting to annoy me. :x

I have some how managed to get a site I visted to be the URL that starts, but its not what I want to be start page. It si also NOT the page listed in the home URL.

I've tried replacing with a blank field, then re-entering it, restarting X (logout and login)

Any one with an idea ? ? ? ? ?


07-29-2003, 07:57 AM
Ok, I've looked in all the places in KDE Control Center, Konqueror web settings, Konqueror Settings and I am obviously missing the right spot.

How do you set the site/page that opens UPON START UP of Konqueror web browser.

I set the home page in the settings, but that only affects the button not the start page.


Make sure you have the page you want as your home page loaded from a newly opened window of konqueror then Settings -> Save View Profile "webrowsing" then make sure the checkbox for Save URLs in profile is checked then click ok, you may also want to save the window size.

07-29-2003, 04:12 PM
Make sure you have the page you want as your home page loaded from a newly opened window of konqueror then Settings -> Save View Profile "webrowsing" then make sure the checkbox for Save URLs in profile is checked then click ok, you may also want to save the window size.

That corrected the problem.

Thank you.