View Full Version : [PHP] Which editor do you use?

07-29-2003, 07:35 AM

now, that I know how to use php under linux to developp my website, I was wondering which software you use to developp???

Under Windoze, I'm using HAPedithttp://hapedit.free.fr/ but they are actually working on the Linux version...
Any advice about which software to use?
Which syntax highlighting, ...


07-29-2003, 12:25 PM
Under Windoze, I'm using HAPedithttp://hapedit.free.fr/ but they are actually working on the Linux version...
Any advice about which software to use?
Which syntax highlighting, ...

It is all a matter of personal preference I guess. I don't have the need for tag-inserters or syntax-checkers and such, so I just use Kate with standard high-lighting and Mozilla. Just try out some different editors, tweak with the settings and see wich one you like the best. Be sure to have a look at BlueFish.

Before uploading the files I copy the whole lot over to Windows, check with as many browsers as possible and adjust my stylesheets.

- - Edwin
"Real programmers only use vi"

07-29-2003, 12:28 PM
Hi Edwin,

Is BlueFish already into Knoppix? Or is it something to install?


07-29-2003, 12:32 PM
in Linux you have highliting in many editors, including Kate, but if you need something professional - take a look at Quanta +. It's the best web editor and supports many languages(including PHP and MySQL). Try it! It's fantastic. Bluefish is not bad, but it's not so good as Quanta and it's in GTK. http://quanta.sourceforge.net/

07-29-2003, 12:41 PM
hmm I just checked Quanta, it seems nice.
I will install it tonight and see how it goes :)


07-29-2003, 12:52 PM
Is BlueFish already into Knoppix? Or is it something to install?

He, you're right. It is in my pre 2003-05 version but it isn't there in 2003-06-06. If you want to know more: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/

- - Edwin
"Real programmers only use vi"

07-29-2003, 01:28 PM
Thxs edwin!


07-29-2003, 04:41 PM
I use Kwrite. Try it, you'll like it. It comes with KNOPPIX.

07-29-2003, 09:38 PM
IMHO, Quanta should be on the CD, but I guess it always comes down to space concerns.

A. Jorge Garcia
07-30-2003, 04:30 AM
KATE is very simple to learn (ie: teach) and is all the IDE I need (color coding).

Except, of course, now I have trouble printing color text from KATE to a color printer. What a pain! I end up using KATE to save/load/edit my c++ files and GVIM to print. I've had this problem ever since V3.2 came out, never before!

Go figure...ain't progress grand?

Anyone here have problems with KATE or KDE?


07-31-2003, 08:04 PM
Hi !

I find kwrite very fine, it can reduce big function like a file root...

It colors the code and detect same syntax like ( ) { } : very usefull in order to not believe one


07-31-2003, 11:03 PM
Gvim and bluefish. BTW, Gvim is available for Windows and Mac too.

08-01-2003, 03:49 AM
heh, I just got done coding a new class with KWrite. Bluefish and Quanta can both be easily installed with apt-get, but I found the KWrite to be the best. Need to try out the Zend studio though.

12-10-2004, 09:27 PM
heh, I just got done coding a new class with KWrite. Bluefish and Quanta can both be easily installed with apt-get, but I found the KWrite to be the best. Need to try out the Zend studio though.

Hilarious. KWrite is the base class for Kate which is the editor used in Quanta. In other words, they are the same WRT text editors. However Kate adds additional functionality and Quanta adds even more. For instance in Quanta you can see your structure tree of HTML or PHP logic, includes, functions, classes, objects... scoped variable data from included objects... scoped auto completion of variables and built in functions (local functions and objects is in work in CVS) plus you can live preview PHP with projects, upload directly to multiple profiles, manage template libraries, create code abbreviations and script the editor. For instance I manage data classes with Kommander dialogs that make complex and diverse methods point and click. Also as of 3.2 Quanta has a built in deeply integrated PHP debugger.

Saying KWrite is better is like saying I like sitting on my car's engine better than driving it. ;)

BTW think of Quanta as a FLOSS competitor to Zend that runs much faster as native code.