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07-29-2003, 02:04 PM

i've searched every forum but didn't find anything that solved my problem. I'm a complete n00b with linux, and the first problem i encounterd was that my internet/network was not working.
We have a network at home with 4 computers connected to 1 router (a SMC Barricade) that shares broadband internet. the network/internet is working well under windows but doesn't unde knoppix.

- i tried to run PPOEconf but it says:

"Sorry I scanned 1 interface,but the Access contrentator of your provider did not respond. Please check your network and modem cables. Another reason for the scan failure may also be another running PPPoe process which controls the modem"

- next thing i did was running netcardconfig:
It asks me if i want to use DHCP broadcast (i have no idea what that is)
yes-> the program stops ( it says dhcp failed or something)
no -> It asks for :
-IP address for eth0/eth1
-network mask
-broadcast address
-default gateway

i read something about editting lines in /etc/network/interfaces (?) but don't know how.

from the router status page:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

Subnet Mask:
Gateway IP:
Secondary DNS:

My local ip:
adapter: CNet PRO200 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter #2

So: what numbers do i have to fill in where?


07-29-2003, 08:10 PM
i had no dsl or ethernet connection.
I ran netcardconfig in the /usr/sbin drawer.
I kept going and ran pppoeconf
I got error messages etc.
I picked no instead of yes in the process somewhere
and it came up with a list of drivers/components.
I picked the ppp on ethernet (pppoe)
and let it reinstall.
Viola! my internet works!

Sorry, I can't be more specific.

Harry Kuhman
07-29-2003, 09:24 PM
We have a network at home with 4 computers connected to 1 router (a SMC Barricade) that shares broadband internet. the network/internet is working well under windows but doesn't unde knoppix.

- i tried to run PPOEconf but ...

Your SMC box is taking care of all the PPPOE stuff for you, you do not need (or want) to use PPPOE on the Knopix system when you go through this network.

I just ran a test and Knoppix works fine with a SMC "Barricade" router. If you can't just boot up and get a DHCP connection, you might have some other problem (like the problem I've seen and reported here where other evil software seems to have deliberately reconfigured your NIC's EEPROM so Knoppix will fail). If you can't get to the network after a boot, try the following and report back your results:

From a shell, run ifconfig and report the settings

Ping and see if you get a response

If you do get a ping back, try to open with a browser and see if Knoppix can talk to the Router. Be sure that you haven't disabled this IP address from internet access or put time limits or other restrictions on it.

Try the commands sudo mii-tool -r and the netcardconfig from a shell prompt and see if that helps, try pinging after the netcardconfig and check ifconfig again. You might also want to see what mii-tool tells you without the -r (reset) option.

07-29-2003, 11:48 PM
thanks for your help!
i tried your suggenstions but it doesn't work, it seems it doesn't support my networkcard :S but when knoppix starts it says that he detected a card: eth0.

this is what happend:

-knoppix@ttyp0[knoppix]$ ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:400 (400.0 b) TX bytes:400 (400.0 b)

-knoppix@ttyp0[knoppix]$ sudo mii-tool -r
SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth0' failed: Operation not supported
no MII interfaces found

-knoppix@ttyp0[knoppix]$ netcardconfig
Sending DHCP broadcast from device eth0Operation failed.
Hit return to exit.

i tried it a couple of times but nothing happend :(

Harry Kuhman
07-30-2003, 12:19 AM
Yes, it sounds like you are havoing trouble with the NIC (network interface card). It might be that Linux does not support it, it might be something else (see my last post). I have real doubts that it's a Linux support issue. You don't seem to be saying what your interface is, if you would tell us someone likely would know if LInux supports it. (If you don't know you should be able to get to information from Windows->control panel->system->device manager->network adapters)

You might also just try putting another NIC in, they can often be had for $5 or free after rebate at OfficeMax, Staples, CompUSA and similar stores. But if you are running something that disabled the last NIC then this might be a temporary fix until it happens again.

Harry Kuhman
07-30-2003, 12:29 AM
One more thing you can try (this makes little sense, but it works for me!):

Boot Knoppix. When you get to the boot prompt, do an expert boot. Answer n to the half dozen questions you are asked (specifically, do not let it do the autoprobe in the first question). See if you network connection works now after Knoppix finishes booting.

If all else fails, see http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2164

07-30-2003, 12:42 AM
i did say in my startpost what my network adapter was..:

CNet PRO200 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter #2

i'll try the things you suggested.

Harry Kuhman
07-30-2003, 12:54 AM
i did say in my startpost what my network adapter was..:

CNet PRO200 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter #2

i'll try the things you suggested.

Opps, you sure did, sorry I missed it.

I can tell you for certain that Knoppix works fine on a CNET PRO200WL PCI NIC (and with an SMC Baracade too). I'm not sure what the #2 is telling us, or even certain that your CNET PRO200 and mine use the same chipset, but I really think it's the thing I covered in the other link. Please let us know either way.

07-30-2003, 11:29 AM
i did say in my startpost what my network adapter was..:

CNet PRO200 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter #2

i'll try the things you suggested.

Opps, you sure did, sorry I missed it.

I can tell you for certain that Knoppix works fine on a CNET PRO200WL PCI NIC (and with an SMC Baracade too). I'm not sure what the #2 is telling us, or even certain that your CNET PRO200 and mine use the same chipset, but I really think it's the thing I covered in the other link. Please let us know either way.

too bad. :( so you´re saying that microsoft editted my NIC someway it doesn't work with linux?, i'll try one more thing, i'll put an old NIC in.

07-30-2003, 02:43 PM

I didn't mentioned that my soundcard doesn't work either, but is detected by knoppix, i also see in kmix a tab sblive! but when i try to play a sound with trough de winamp look-a-like it doesn't do anything, the device is set to default and is grey it should be sblive! i think. The NIC is also detected by knoppix in the startup screen, I also see a line: "eth0: media is TP" I don't know if that means anything.

things i tried:
-i tried to run knoppix on exactly the same computer (also win XP) but with another soundcard... internet wouldn't start also the soundcard didn't work.
-i tried to run knoppix on another system (win xp) with another NIC and soundcard (onboard), everything worked well, how it should be.
-other irc setting
-other (very old)NIC, it works under windows and is detected under knoppix but won't work either.

i don't know if this is any help to you for helping me and your own problems. I don't have a clue what to do, to make my computer run properly with knoppix.

Harry Kuhman
07-30-2003, 05:30 PM
so you´re saying that microsoft editted my NIC someway it doesn't work with linux?,
Yup, I'm saying, from direct experience having a NIC that did work fine under Knoppix and now does not with the very same CDR (and a lot of time spent poking into the problem and the eeprom on the NIC) that something is changing the eeprom settings on the NIC, and I believe it was the Windows "security update" that I ran right before I found that this had happened.

Not sure if the sound card is significant or not. In my experience Knoppix can get many but not all PCI based sound cards, does not auto-detect ISA sound cards. You may be able to configure the sound card after booting. I'll leave others to coment more on this, as it's not something I have done much work on. However, I do have several systems where the network functions fine and the sound does not autoconfigure, and in the notebook where I've seen my used-to-work-but-no-longer-does NIC, the sound is good.

07-30-2003, 06:40 PM
For the older sound cards try from a console window sndconfig you may have to put a sudo in front for it to work, for the nic haven't got a clue seems like you have tried everything possible.

07-30-2003, 09:24 PM
yes, i tried sndconfig. :( it seems knoppix 'may' not work on my computer :S

.. i think that microsoft has nothing to do with it (the NIC and sb). the last thing I do is update my bios and see if I can change some things.

08-04-2003, 10:30 PM
i have the exact same problem! i haven't gotten around to trying any of the suggested solutions posted tho.

I have a Netgear FA311 ethernet adapter and DSL is provided by an Alcatel Speed Touch Pro 4 port ethernet.

If i have further problems after trying some of the things posted here, i'll post again :D

01-14-2005, 07:46 AM
I also tried to get a Cnet pro200 running under knoppix.

My fli4l does support it so I assume that it is supported by linux in general
also I tried to use the linux driver on the floppy from the nic but - I am linux newbie - did not have a clue how to get it compiled under knoppix running.......

Would be great to get some feedback


Harry Kuhman
01-14-2005, 08:09 AM
I also tried to get a Cnet pro200 running under knoppix.

My fli4l does support it so I assume that it is supported by linux in general
also I tried to use the linux driver on the floppy from the nic but - I am linux newbie - did not have a clue how to get it compiled under knoppix running.......

Would be great to get some feedback

Well, there was this recent post: http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16302&highlight=
floibler hasn't posted back to the forum yet (I sure hope he does), but he sent me a private message stating that he changed out the NIC in the computer for a new one that has never been run under Windows and now the same computer works fine.

As for your NIC, I don't think it's a problem with Knoppix not supporting the NIC - I have a Cnet Pro200 in this computer I'm on right now and it works under Knoppix just fine. However, I've never run Microsoft "security update" software on this computer. Of course, manufacturers are known to sometimes change chip sets and not change model numbers, but I think the problem in the above link (links to more details in that thread) is the more likely cause. Read that thread for my thoughts on a fix.

01-14-2005, 01:54 PM
DHCP = dynamic host configuration protocol


Harry Kuhman
01-14-2005, 07:18 PM
DHCP = dynamic host configuration protocol

Hi pureone. You didn't quote anyone so it's not clear who this was addresses to or what it was trying to respond to.

I can tell you that in my case it is certainly a NIC issue and not a DHCP issue. By sniffing the wire I have been able to determine that the NIC isn't even negoiating it's speed and duplex mode properly (a step that comes before DHCP can work). Nor is it likely to be the problem source for floibler, since just swapping out the now apparently corrupted NICs for a new one with no other changes lets the NIC set up properly and then DHCP works for that system.

01-15-2005, 04:32 AM
i posted that link because of the person that made this topic was unaware of what dhcp was.

dhcp can be rather tricky in linux and windows for me sometimes it wont work at all sometimes.
at 1 point dhcp would work with any linux live cd no matter what computer i used. i noticed as well if i had booted in to differnt cds on the same computer on the 3rd time the dhcp server would fail on me.

01-27-2005, 07:48 AM
Hi Folks,

computing is not always 0 and 1!

I did the following (I know that on troubleshooting you should always do one after the other but I did it anyway):
I plugged in an additional NIC and booted from the Suse 9.2 live CD.
Suse recognized both NICS and I could configure them.
After that I took out the Intel NIC and booted again from Knoppix (real it is "siegfried" that should be Knoppix 3.3) and now I was able to configure the Cnet under Knoppix too....
Everything is working fine now.

Ah, one more: sorry for the hijacking - never again!
