View Full Version : a silly *temperature* question

07-29-2003, 05:04 PM
I have been using Knoppix for a while now and I notice that the CD gets pretty hot in my CD drive (CREATIVE 52x). Now, its not really burning or anything like that, but it is pretty hot anyway. Should I be concerned about this? Can this affect performance of damage the CD?

A. Jorge Garcia
07-29-2003, 06:32 PM
I've noticed this too. I've been using KNOPPIX since V2.2 Final and never had a problem related to heat. In fact, my students have it running all day in a lab with 25 PCs all booted from the CD sometimes - still no problem.


07-29-2003, 07:01 PM
I think you should consider using perfect writed cd's without any scratches ,this in order not to create useless searches on the cd.
Since the internal firmware intergates a sort of fault correction I believe to lower read errors some firmware automatically perform more readings on the drive if it has difficulties to read data from it.
This means that one drive to another (and also one cd-frimware to another) will make the cd more spin (thus create more heat dissipation).
Another solution could be to use the HD-based installation ,were you only use a harddisk the size of 800mb (or greater),and which could inserted in any pc.