View Full Version : Boot problem

07-30-2003, 05:55 PM
Hi everyone,

I have the lastest release of Knoppix (07/26/2003) and it doesn't want to boot on my computer :
P4C 2.4GHz (HyperThreading enabled)
2x512Mo DDR400 (Dual mode)
CM Asus P4P800 Deluxe (raid disabled)
1 DVD Pioneer IDE
1 Burner Philips IDE

Knoppix detects 2 CPU at the beginning and then I got the following error message :
APM BIOS found, power management function enabled
apmd[60] : main() : apm-open() failed : no such device
I tried to disable ACPI 2.0 support in my BIOS but the problem stay the same.

Thus, I also tried the failsafe mode but unhappily nothing better : booting goes a little further but the system hangs up after HDD mounting. Then if I hit the Enter key, I got a strange CPU dump.

Could you help me resolving this problem ?

PS : the CD works fine with my other PC PIII-500.

07-30-2003, 06:53 PM
Have you tried the cheat codes (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/CheatCodes) noapm, nosmp and noapic does the apm work when you use the disk on the old P3 also have you tried knoppix testcd at the boot: prompt.

BTW there is a Knoppix France (http://knoppixfr.tuxfamily.org/) you may want to check also.

07-30-2003, 07:20 PM
Yes, the CD works perfectly.
I've just found an issue to this problem : if I disable the APM (Advanced Power Management) in the BIOS, everything works fine... except the fact that HyperThreading is disabled in this case.
I have the error message : Error : only one CPU found.

Well, at least Knoppix is working ! I'll try to update my motherboard bios to see if something will change.

Thanks for Knoppix France link but there aren't as much skillfull people as here :) (and I can also use the little english I know).

07-30-2003, 07:53 PM
I took the latest bios 1009 on Asus website and everything is OK now :D I'm writing with Knoppix right now.
Too bad, the integrated 3COM gigabit ethernet card 3C2000 wasn't detected so I had to compile the linux drivers.
Well, I think I'm going to make some tests :wink:

07-30-2003, 09:25 PM
Good to hear you got it going, I can only wish I knew as little French as you do English it looks good enough to me.