View Full Version : Monitor is shuting down while booting!!!

07-31-2003, 09:37 AM
Can someone help???
I have tried to boot from Knoppix 3.2 CD.All hardware was recognized including my graphic card and monitor, BUT WHEN IT'S TIME TO CHANGE RESOLUTION AND SHOW DESKTOP I JUST HEAR ''CLICK'' AND RECEIVE MESSAGE FROM MONITOR ''FREQENCY OVERRANGED''.
What should I do???
My monitor is DTK 15'' DD-556 BA
My graphic card is nVidia TNT 2 Riva M64 32 MB RAM
Again, HELP!!!

07-31-2003, 10:17 AM
try "expert" at the boot prompt and specify a narrower range for XF86 monitor setting.

The default that comes with it is IMO calling for trouble for a number of not so capable monitors.

In fact, since KNOPPIX now comes with XFree86 4.3, I believe all the modelines should be removed and let it use the default. The modelines that I believe is great for previous versions of XFree86 may cause more harm than good for 4.3(that is my experience with my not so good Dell Inspiron).

BTW, you can go into command line mode(by specifying "2") at the boot prompt and manually remove the modelines in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 then "startx".

07-31-2003, 05:49 PM
You may also want to try the cheat codes (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/CheatCodes) noddc to stop detection of the monitor,vga=normal to use normal vga instad of svga and xmodule=nv for you graphic card.

07-31-2003, 10:23 PM
OMG!! You have the same settings I tried in this one PC....I had the exact same problem and I couldn't fix it....srry.... Try with a different monitor, that'll do it...I think... (sorry for my bad advice, "change ur monitor")

Good luck


08-01-2003, 11:36 AM
My graphic card is GeForce 9600 128MB LeadTek
My monitor is Sony 19" G400

Knoppix not detected My graphic card !!!
Optimal monitor resolution is 1280x1024x32bit and 100Hz.
Graphic card is suported this resolution.
RedHat and Windows work fine with this resolution and frequency

I try boot knoppix with cheat codes but monitor is go offline :(
knoppix screen=1280x1024 xvrefresh=100
knoppix xvrefresh=75
knoppix screen=800x600 xvrefresh=75