View Full Version : problems with automatic login

Dieter Springer
08-01-2003, 09:54 PM
As maintainer of a small distibution called mulimidix i discovered a problem in the shell enviroment. I used automatic login the same way knoppix does, using /bin/bash -login in /etc/inittab. First it seemed that everything was all right but i wondered about a strange behaviour of the more-command: after one page the output stopps. At first i thought this was due to a bad compilation and so i rebuilded the whole distri. But the problem was the same. Comparing the auto-login enviroment with a normal-login enviroment i discovered,that in auto-enviroment the $HOME-variable values / , but /etc/passwd says it should be /root. searching the web i discovered some alternate ways to auto-login after bootup, but all these methods required patching programms or install some non-standard login-progs. Is there a way to emulate the "normal" shell behaviour without patching programms or install special login-progs?
i have no clue to solve this problem in an elegant way, so i ask you the knoppix community. To solve the problem would make knoppix even better than now.

i hope you have some hints about my problem.


Dieter Springer

08-06-2003, 01:26 AM
--I know it's not a solution to the login problem (I encountered the same thing running a passwordless login) but have you tried using 'less' instead of more?

--Also, here's a snip from my inittab that seems to get around the problem:

8:5:respawn:/usr/bin/open -f -c 8 -w -- /bin/login -f dave

--In runlevel 5, it auto-logins user "dave" on console F8 without asking for password. However, if you logout it will respawn with "-bash: no job control in this shell" message.

--Hope this helps.

As maintainer of a small distibution called mulimidix i discovered a problem in the shell enviroment. I used automatic login the same way knoppix does, using /bin/bash -login in /etc/inittab. First it seemed that everything was all right but i wondered about a strange behaviour of the more-command: after one page the output stopps. At first i thought this was due to a bad compilation and so i rebuilded the whole distri. But the problem was the same. Comparing the auto-login enviroment with a normal-login enviroment i discovered,that in auto-enviroment the $HOME-variable values / , but /etc/passwd says it should be /root. searching the web i discovered some alternate ways to auto-login after bootup, but all these methods required patching programms or install some non-standard login-progs. Is there a way to emulate the "normal" shell behaviour without patching programms or install special login-progs?
i have no clue to solve this problem in an elegant way, so i ask you the knoppix community. To solve the problem would make knoppix even better than now.

i hope you have some hints about my problem.


Dieter Springer

08-19-2003, 10:07 PM
--I found this snippet in /etc/login.defs as well:

# If defined, either full pathname of a file containing device names or
# a ":" delimited list of device names. No password is required to log in
# as a non-root user on these devices.
#NO_PASSWORD_CONSOLE tty1:tty2:tty3:tty4:tty5:tty6

--I know it's not a solution to the login problem (I encountered the same thing running a passwordless login) but have you tried using 'less' instead of more?

--Also, here's a snip from my inittab that seems to get around the problem:

8:5:respawn:/usr/bin/open -f -c 8 -w -- /bin/login -f dave

--In runlevel 5, it auto-logins user "dave" on console F8 without asking for password. However, if you logout it will respawn with "-bash: no job control in this shell" message.

--Hope this helps.

As maintainer of a small distibution called mulimidix i discovered a problem in the shell enviroment. I used automatic login the same way knoppix does, using /bin/bash -login in /etc/inittab. First it seemed that everything was all right but i wondered about a strange behaviour of the more-command: after one page the output stopps. At first i thought this was due to a bad compilation and so i rebuilded the whole distri. But the problem was the same. Comparing the auto-login enviroment with a normal-login enviroment i discovered,that in auto-enviroment the $HOME-variable values / , but /etc/passwd says it should be /root. searching the web i discovered some alternate ways to auto-login after bootup, but all these methods required patching programms or install some non-standard login-progs. Is there a way to emulate the "normal" shell behaviour without patching programms or install special login-progs?
i have no clue to solve this problem in an elegant way, so i ask you the knoppix community. To solve the problem would make knoppix even better than now.

i hope you have some hints about my problem.


Dieter Springer