View Full Version : storage and more what you thing about this.......

08-02-2003, 02:45 AM
ok im getting ready to buy a thumb drive and im wondering what would be a good choice between the two i posted this one
i think that is the one i want but what about this one
i am open to suggestions the reson im going to buy one well there is two resons 1. is for all my knoppix stuff and 2. for other files and stuff and also im tired of trying to get the floppy working all the time sometimes itll boot my config other times it wont ill get a mount error so what one do you guys recomend even if it isent the same one's i posted maybe a better one you prefer well thanks and they will be able to be booted i mean like when i save my config to it ill be able to boot my config rite well thank you
i found another i like this one the best so far???????? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=454667&Sku=TC1-USB-128&CatId=379

08-03-2003, 05:04 AM
just wondering if it's good

08-04-2003, 02:42 AM
Most likely either of these devices will work fine. You may just want to google and make sure they can be mounted using the usb mass storage device driver.

I don't know what people's experiences of USB 2.0 have been however. I've seen a few posts of people having trouble. Hopefully the device should still be mountable as a 1.0 device untill the issues get ironed out.


Just to let you know I deleted your identical post in the hardware forum since, we try to discourage cross posting over here.

08-04-2003, 05:45 AM
ok thanks i acctualy found a different one that im going to get and it's not 2.0 i dont think any ways i dont have 2.0 unfortuneatly (sorry cant spell) but on there site and all it's compatable with linux and all so i should be good there here is there address if you want to take a look


it should be alright i think if anyone has any other sugestions please tell me because im getting one in like a day or so prolly tomarrow im not possitive though well thank you