View Full Version : installing debian packages.

08-06-2003, 02:50 AM
I downloaded a few debian packages from the debian site when i try to install them is says the packages are on a readonly memory or something like that and does't allow me to install the package.
even in console mode i used the dpkg command but in vain.

08-06-2003, 03:38 AM
You can install debian packages only if you install Knoppix to your hard disk.

08-06-2003, 03:16 PM
I did install it onto the hard disk ,
I just copide the knoppix dir from the cd put it on my hd and made a bootup floppy to go to knoppix still i get this error,
I even changed the permissions for the package and anso made the hard disks(shown in the kde desktop) writable.

08-07-2003, 07:02 AM
Hi there,

I could be totally wrong here, but I think what Nikibob is saying is you have to actually install it to your hard drive, at which point Knoppix effectively becomes Debian. By the sound of things, you have just changed your CD based Knoppix to run off hard drive, which is obviously gonna be quicker than running from CD, but you haven't actually installed it as such. I think the method you are using is referred to as the "poor man's install". Try searching the forum for more info.....