View Full Version : For Teaching purposes...

08-06-2003, 08:47 AM
I don't need a lot of the apps. Leave the shells, the editors (add nano so I can teach pico, since nano is GNU license), the compilers, the GUIs (KDE and GNOME), leave the internet basics (browsers, emails, ftp, telnet), and so forth. Even leave the games (students do stupid things when there's nothing entertaining to play with).

I don't need the more sophisticated games or internet things like file sharing or IRC. I need a simple Educational CD that I can distribute to students, have them work on programs or scripts, experience the GUI, learn to do a few diagnostics and operate the machine.

I also think the best route for this sort of thing is to simply (he says with a wry grin) make a program to *generate* a CD image that can be burned. Make it possible to add all the necessary command line tools and then provide a menu, not unlike the KDE menu, to allow the user to select items for inclusion and to groups items on the menu to be generated.

Is tomorrow to soon? :D

Thanks for a great product as is - I still use it in the classroom.