View Full Version : Extract multiple .deb files

08-07-2003, 10:54 PM
I'm writing a script that will ask the user for a packagename and :
#apt-get install -b <packagename>
(inside a chrooted environment)
This way, it will download all the dependencies as well.

After this, I move the files to a certain directory and I want to extract them from there with :
#dpkg -x <deb-file> /directory

My problem here is, that I can't select '*.deb' as input for this, as dpkg -x can only handle 1 file at a time.
As I don't know the .deb-file-names in the directory, I cannot do this one by one.
Hopefully, somebody here has a solution for this ?

08-08-2003, 04:34 AM
Sorry for the post, but I allready figured this one out...
In the script, I just put in :
for DEB in ls *.deb; do dpkg -x $DEB /dir; done
(in case anybody needs this ;))