View Full Version : just installed knoppix to HDD and......

08-10-2003, 08:09 PM
there is soooooo much that doesnt work. most of the little programs in the 'start menu' dont load when i click on them (do i have to run from terminal, if so how to i find where they are located?). i wanted to try out everything that came with it so i could see if i actually wanted to keep anything but hardly any of it works. even if i go to network card configuration it will just sit in the tray for a minute and dissappear. I dont know if its normal, but if it is i would like to just delete all this crap that is pointlessly taking up space.
even xine media player doesnt work.
I downloaded wolfenstein: ET, which runs fine on my windows system, but knoppix has no 3d acceleration for my card! im using a compaq laptop with an ati radeon mobility u1 vidcard and i cant find a driver or patch or anything online. so i guess i cant game on linux.
so far i cant - run anything that came with the distro, play any 3d intensive games.
theres more.

if i try to look at xf86config i get permission denied. whether im logged in as root or not it doesnt matter i always get permission denied.
when trying to install licq when i get to the part where i have to configure the qt gui it gets an error saying that it cant find /bin/moc. its there but its a different version or something and wont work.
i cant set up my network so sharing files is nothing.
the battery monitor in the corner always says that the computer is plugged in, but it is actually running on the battery. which means the battstat is useless.

so basically i can: listen to mp3's that are on my windows partition, play around in the konsole(without actually doing anything productive), and surf the net. thats all my knoppix is good for?? i dont think it should be this way.

as i am very new to linux i know that im just not sure how to make this stuff work. that is where you guys come in. im tired of trying stuff that doesnt work i need some solutions, cuz im just wasting space on my hdd right now.

compaq presario 900
athlon XP 1500+
ati radeon mobility u1

08-10-2003, 08:47 PM
Something is bad wrong...you might have to fix the hw accelleration to get a game or two to work but all the stuff in the start menu should run fine.What version of knoppix did you install?If it is the newest 7-26-03 I think it has the new installer (along with the old knx-hdinstall) called "knoppix-installer" is that what you used?Did the stuff work fine from the live cd?

08-10-2003, 11:57 PM
Let us know:

(not necessarily in this order)

did everything work fine from the CD?

how did you install?

08-11-2003, 06:53 PM
i used knx-hdinstall to install it

this morning i tried out the cd and EVERYTHING works on the live cd.
so i am reinstalling it with the new installer that i was not aware of 'knoppix-installer'

i am crossing my fingers. ill let you know in a little bit if the installation goes better this time.
and if anyone has successfully installed licq I would really like to know step by step how you did it. as well as if anyone knows any patch or driver for my vid card i need to know that as well.

08-11-2003, 07:17 PM
well after the clean install - still software doesnt work

netcard config and xine media player both work off the cd and dont work now that i have installed.
i really dont get it

08-11-2003, 08:00 PM
the list is:

isdn monitor
xine media player
swap file config
soundcard config
netcard config
wavelan config

then pretty much every game..

what do i do??

08-17-2003, 10:38 PM
I'm also a Newbie and I'm wondering too.
What has to be changed that all the Knoppix Config tools like network config etc. will work like they did from the Live-CD???

08-18-2003, 03:35 AM
Huge series of question there (both of you). Maybe better to start with seperate postings for devices which don't work. Some of this will be covered in the documentation for individual programs. Some will be covered in the Docs section above, some in the HOWTOs (which you'll need to install through apt-get or synaptic). If confused, post here.

As the label says, after a HD install, Knoppix basically becomes Debian: you'll need to do some configuration yourself.

For myself, I'm still awestruck that the HD install configured my scanner correctly! :wink: