08-14-2003, 06:11 AM
I want to install WineX but everytime I try to install it it has an error! The package it came in was a .RPM I open Konsole and I run the configure file and it goes and does its thing...takes a while...I type make...more stuff flies on the screen then there is an error it has to do with some directory in /root/ I don't remember "exacty" what one it was! I am following the README and the INSTALL files but I still get errors! Some files I try open say "permission denied"!!! Do I have to uninstall the verison of Wine thats already on there? If I do have to uninstall it, how do i do that??? I have verison 2003-06-06 and I have it installed to my HD and I did it doing knd-hdinstall ( I didnt do the poor mans intall ). I also have a game that I downloaded and it also gets an error when I type make after I run "configure"...I really need to figure this out and NEED HELP so please explain this to where I can do it step by step. Im a newbie to Knoppix and need my hand held. :lol:

08-14-2003, 07:33 AM
Perhaps you could provide a URL to the package so we could read the instructions. The usual method on Debian to install a rpm is to use the program alien ie. alien -i program.rpm to install use man alien for more options and details.

08-14-2003, 08:11 AM
I've got a really silly question, can I install WineX or at least get Wine running just from the ramdrive? I mean without any kind of hd install??? It'd be fun to try it out!