View Full Version : Scrolling in Knoppix Terminals

08-14-2003, 05:31 PM
I know that in an X terminal or a TTY console I can do shift-page up and shift-page down to scroll through multiple screens of output. In Knoppix, however, I find that I am limited to navigating about six screens of data. Other distributions allow me to scroll through a lot more data (I couldn't even find a limit in my Mandrake installation on the same computer, for instance).

Can anyone tell me what to do to adjust Knoppix's terminals so that they behave this way, too? Thanks!


08-16-2003, 01:55 AM
--You can run the ' screen ' program in tty mode or Xterm(s) - such as rxvt or konsole - and specify how large the scrollback buffer should be:

' man screen '

-h num Specifies the history scrollback buffer to be num lines high.

' screen -aA -h 2000 ' == Gives you 2000 lines of scrollback.

--Screen is also the best thing to use when you're ssh'ed into a box, since you can have multiple terminals in one session and switch around using the Ctrl-A commands. You can even disconnect and reconnect back to exactly where you left off.

--If you're looking at program output however, you might just want to pipe the output to a file or pager:
' PROGRAM | less '
' PROGRAM > filename ; less filename '
' PROGRAM 2>filename ' == Only pipe *error* output to file

--Beyond this tho, the "native" scrollback buffer for MDK might have been modified in Mandrake's custom kernel source or one of the /etc files (I have no idea where.)

--And if you just want to look at the kernel messages from boot, you can do ' dmesg |less '.

--Lemme know if this helps.

I know that in an X terminal or a TTY console I can do shift-page up and shift-page down to scroll through multiple screens of output. In Knoppix, however, I find that I am limited to navigating about six screens of data. Other distributions allow me to scroll through a lot more data (I couldn't even find a limit in my Mandrake installation on the same computer, for instance).

Can anyone tell me what to do to adjust Knoppix's terminals so that they behave this way, too? Thanks!


08-31-2003, 02:33 PM
Oops -- I never got back to report results. Success! Screen is great! I'd heard a bit about it from time to time, but never actually tried it until now. Thanks, Dave!

I still wonder where the scrollback defaults for the terminals are hidden . . . but screen is better than just a workaround.
