View Full Version : Knoppix = OS???

08-14-2003, 11:52 PM
I have just recently purchase a PC wthat comes with a copy of Knoppix. I work with Windows everydayd, but don't know anything about Knoppix, or Linux for that matter. Is Knoppix a full operating software, like Windows? :roll: Thanks[/img]

08-15-2003, 12:27 AM
Knoppix is a very good os and you can try out that copy that came with your pc by just booting from the cd.You might have to go into your bios and make the cdrom the first boot device then just put in the cd and your ready for the best :)

Knoppix will run live from the cdrom and it wont hurt your windows install one bit because it will mount it read only (cant change a thing).I have installed knoppix to my hard drive and not run windows for almost 2 years now .

08-19-2003, 03:00 AM
I have installed knoppix on my pc and now only run windows when I need Quick Books since I can't emulate it from WINE.
Can some one tell me of a good Accounting software for Debian or a Linux version that i can convert to a Debian package????

08-19-2003, 05:12 AM
I have installed knoppix on my pc and now only run windows when I need Quick Books since I can't emulate it from WINE.
Can some one tell me of a good Accounting software for Debian or a Linux version that i can convert to a Debian package????

Codeweavers Crossover Office will run Quicken but not yet Quick Books. Hopefully the next release will support it. Gnucash is a pretty good program however. I'n not sure it will do what you need, but you should try it out.

Do an apt-get install gnucash

If you run into dependency problems, try:

apt-get -t unstable install gnucash