View Full Version : ejecting the CDrom I booted off of

08-15-2003, 07:18 AM
This sounds like a simple question so I apologize if this answer is found elsewhere, I spent quite awhile trying to find the answer on my own.

Any way to eject that cdrom I just booted off of? No matter what I try I get a busy or failed message. BTW Im using 3.2

Kudos to knoppix. It is already helped me out of some binds and likely many more.

In the case of no answer, any suggestions on copying files from a CDrom on to a ext2 partition (with no OS)... options do include a floppy drive. The nic doesn't like default linux.

08-15-2003, 06:35 PM
The core os is running off of the cd, so no, you wont be able to eject it.

Check out the hardrive installer, it will format and install knoppix to a partition for you.

- Ambrose

08-15-2003, 10:02 PM
Normally I would. But I just want to copy these files off a CD.... i don't want any OS installed.