View Full Version : knoppix login

08-16-2003, 02:04 PM
My knoppix 3.2 self-booting CD automatically logs in as "knoppix". Therefore, my old windows hard drive files are unalterable, undeleteable, etc. How can I login to knoppix self-booting CD with all permissions granted for these windows files? Or is there no way unless I install knoppix to the hard drive?

08-16-2003, 03:41 PM
Use the "root shell" in kde or set a passwd with "sudo passwd" or start in textmode as root with "knoppix 2" cheatcode then startx /usr/bin/icewm" (for example if you want x).Many orher ways are covered in the forums and docs on this site.

08-16-2003, 07:30 PM
more about this
