View Full Version : [SOLVED] Can I get rid of Init at boot?

08-16-2003, 02:34 PM
I got knoppix installed on my comp for about 2 months, and I'm regularly upgrading my programs , installing new ones and so on. But I still have a problem: I can't get ALSA driver to work (i815 chipset), OSS works but lacks functionalities; altough I know it HAS to work! I think it has to do with knoppix.

I'm thinking to get rid of everything that has to do with the knoppix-hdinstall, and go to a standard debian distribution. And I'm wondering what is the use of the init prog (/sbin/init), can I get rid of it and how? I see it's run at boot with linux-2.4.20-xfs as comment when I'm currently using kernel 21!

By the way knoppix is an excellent dist for beginners, I recommended it to a lot of my friends, I won't go back to XP.

08-16-2003, 09:26 PM
Damn, 33 hits and not a single answer!

Are there any deveopper that could help me?

08-16-2003, 11:25 PM
--D00d, R j00 1n7h4n3 in the m3mbr4n3? Init starts *everything* in the system!!

From the ' man init ' page:

Init is the parent of all processes. Its primary role is to create
processes from a script stored in the file /etc/inittab (see init-
tab(5)). This file usually has entries which cause init to spawn get-
tys on each line that users can log in. It also controls autonomous
processes required by any particular system.

--And why would you want to backlevel to a "standard" Debian dist, is something not
working right? Knoppix is a *superset* of regular Debian. I once tried installing Woody from CD, and let me tell you I practically wept for joy when I discovered Knoppix. Everything "just works."

--Now as for alsa... They broke sound for my SiS (Trident) chipset in kernel 2.4.21, which is why I've backleveled to 2.4.20 (yes, even alsa broke for 21.) You might try going back to 2.4.20 and see if alsa works there.

(yes, I know, not my usual posting style, but I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm in a wacky mood.)

I got knoppix installed on my comp for about 2 months, and I'm regularly upgrading my programs , installing new ones and so on. But I still have a problem: I can't get ALSA driver to work (i815 chipset), OSS works but lacks functionalities; altough I know it HAS to work! I think it has to do with knoppix.

I'm thinking to get rid of everything that has to do with the knoppix-hdinstall, and go to a standard debian distribution. And I'm wondering what is the use of the init prog (/sbin/init), can I get rid of it and how? I see it's run at boot with linux-2.4.20-xfs as comment when I'm currently using kernel 21!

By the way knoppix is an excellent dist for beginners, I recommended it to a lot of my friends, I won't go back to XP.

08-17-2003, 10:34 AM
Well thanks a lot, but the answer wasn't so obvious since you're the only one that posted.

I'll try it, or wait for 2.6 to come out.


09-03-2003, 01:46 PM
I finally resolved my ALSA problem.

I had to go to Sid and a dist-upgrade later I had a working sound card. However sound was very bad, noisy, it finally went away when I replaced libesd0-alsa by libesd0 (I uninstalled KDE for going to Gnome).

Now it works perfectly, but I still have error messages at boot when an auto-detection tool tries to load the i810_audio modules -OSS driver of my chipset- what I don't want him to do, in fact it's not even compiled with the kernel.

Anyone knows how I could get rid of that autodetect tool?

09-03-2003, 09:42 PM
Check /etc/modules and /etc/discover.conf and see if it's in there.

--I was wondering how you were doing. ;-)

I finally resolved my ALSA problem.

I had to go to Sid and a dist-upgrade later I had a working sound card. However sound was very bad, noisy, it finally went away when I replaced libesd0-alsa by libesd0 (I uninstalled KDE for going to Gnome).

Now it works perfectly, but I still have error messages at boot when an auto-detection tool tries to load the i810_audio modules -OSS driver of my chipset- what I don't want him to do, in fact it's not even compiled with the kernel.

Anyone knows how I could get rid of that autodetect tool?

09-05-2003, 12:38 PM
yeah that's it discover.conf!
Thanks, error messages are gone now!

Btw do u know which script launches discover? It's not a very sharp tool, it identificated my DVD player as SCSI when it's IDE and goes wrong for some other modules, I'd like to simply remove it since it's of no use anymore.

09-05-2003, 09:39 PM
--On mine, it's:

' find /etc -name *discover* '

--The rcS.d files are run from /etc/inittab before runlevel 5 (/etc/rc5.d)

yeah that's it discover.conf!
Thanks, error messages are gone now!

Btw do u know which script launches discover? It's not a very sharp tool, it identificated my DVD player as SCSI when it's IDE and goes wrong for some other modules, I'd like to simply remove it since it's of no use anymore.