View Full Version : Slackware 9 Help please!

08-17-2003, 04:55 AM
:newbie: I "tried" to install Slackware 9 and made a mess...I have 2 partitions on my HD Hda1 for Windows and Hda2 for Linux and Hda3 for my swap drive. ( I have NO idea what a swap drive is..hehe...) When I installed Slackware today it "seemed" that I was doing it right! I wanted to boot of the HD cuz I dont want to use a floppy. When everything was done I restarted and got 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 filling half of the screen...CRAP!...I said to myself! I hope I didnt screw up Windows XP. ( I just installed the 40MB of updates on a 56k last night! ) Now to let everyone know I am 15 but I LOVE computers and I am an expert in Windows especially with repairs I can fix just bout any computer! But recently I REALLY want to get into linux and I hear that Slackware 9 is the best out there. I want to let everyone know that I have used Knoppix and I have installed it on my HD and it is still on my HD right now. I have used the Konsole and all that good stuff I have not remembered all the commands : ( there is just SOOO many I think I need to buy a GOOD linux book. :study: Now I need to install Slackware and the web site didn't help at all! Now I don't compeatly understand what they are all saying! I don't speak very good Linux :) So how do I install slackware over Knoppix. Do I just deleate the Knoppix partition with cfdisk? To install slackware I really need a easy to understand step-by-step guide. If I can get that I WILL post it everywhere for newbs! I know there is ALOT of people out there who are having the same problem as me! So I beg someone to help me out and give me this guide and just not refer my to the slackware website or someother fourm that has nothing to do with what I am saying. I am not stupid! But please someone help me out I would Really apprecaite it ALOT! :) Thanks for the help! ( whoever replies! )

08-17-2003, 06:16 AM
Sorry, this is not a slackware support forum.