View Full Version : Aumix not saving settings?

08-18-2003, 04:17 AM
Whenever I save my settings under Aumix, which controls sound output for my laptop, either at root or as a user, the settings DO NOT save, after I reboot.

Please advise.


08-18-2003, 06:31 PM
Check out Stephen's input on this post:


08-18-2003, 07:44 PM
I also read in a post on Debian User that in the package alsa-utils (http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=alsa+utils&searchon=all&subword=1&version=all&release=all) that there is a utility that will keep the sound levels automatically have not tried it so don't know for sure.

08-19-2003, 01:18 PM
When I created a new kernel, I am not getting any sound whatsoever, and now I am getting these errors:

root@Probot:/etc/init.d# uname -a
Linux Probot 2.4.21-acpi #1 Mon Jul 7 18:49:46 CEST 2003 i686 GNU/Linux

root@Probot:/etc/init.d# ./alsa-autoconfig
Preparing modules for alsa...
Building card database..
Configuring via82xx...
Running update-modules...
Creating snddevices...
Setting default volumes...
aumix: error opening mixer

root@Probot:/etc/init.d# ./aumix
Usage: /etc/init.d/aumix {start|stop|save}

root@Probot:/etc/init.d# ./aumix start
Restoring mixer settings: failed.

08-21-2003, 06:11 PM
Talked to a few folks in my lug, http://olug.org/

Some claimed that I should use apt-get to reinstall all of the packages.



Does it matter which one goes first?
