View Full Version : driver cannot be compiled.itīs trying to write to ramdisk

08-18-2003, 05:55 PM
i am new to knoppix.
I too am trying to get a driver (modem) to work with knoppix, but it needs to be compiled first. Following the instructions isn't a problem, the problem lies in the drivers try to compile to the ramdisk (i guess), obviously it is not allowed to do so and i cannot use my modem.
i am trying to work on a toshiba satellite 1900-305 with 512mb of ram.
is there any chance to change the default directory from de cd to hdd so that i can install other drivers??
jose simas

08-20-2003, 12:04 PM

You surely have some Makefile in your archive of your driver.

You have to modify ithis in order to place the work in a folder where you can write (ex:/home/knoppix)

The aim is to obtain the .o file wich is a module

Nb: You can(t write for example in /usr/bin /usr/sbin ...

08-20-2003, 05:53 PM
for starters, thanks!
i have done what you said but the d*mn thing doesnīt compile totally.
i get 5 .o compiled files but near the end it keeps on giving me some errors i some other files..
do you know if someone has slmdm-2.7.10 compiled? i think that would overcome my problems..

08-20-2003, 06:50 PM
It sometimes happen at the end of the script that a command depmod which write in some file give an error...

You've to look at this error and find why it happen... in order to modify the command in the script or to comment it

for ex: if you only look for compiling module you don't need to "automate" their loading at boot time ...

But it's hard helping you in sense that i don't know what are the result of your errors...

May you post the error message or tell us which "modem" or driver you want to compil ?

08-20-2003, 10:56 PM
i am trying to compile slmdm-2.7.10 into a knoppix live cd with a home directory in the hard drive but is not fully instaled to the drive.
sorry i am a noobie...
the main thing for what i understand is that when i try to compile the makefile it tries to write to the read only part of the system
the modem is the one that comes with the toshiba satellite 1900-305. for what i can see it is a hsf modem running on com3 or ttyS2 :)

08-21-2003, 02:22 AM
Re !

You've to forget winchose !

Com3 is not available ... this is different ... So you can't "able" to see that your winmodem is com3...

Could you tell me wich driver you want to compile ? did you try the script scanmodem ?

did you identify your "modem" ?

08-21-2003, 09:54 AM
i am trying to compile smartlink driver slmdm-2.7.10. i have scanned and discovered that the modem is a hsf one and for what i have read in other pages it uses the slmdm-2.7.10 driver. even tough there are new drivers from the same maker they are not intended to this modem.
the problem in compiling the files is that it writes to a part of the system that is read only.
from what i can understand the problem in the makefile starts in:

install: kernel-ver all
$(INSTALL) -D -m 644 slmdm.o $(prefix_dir)/$(MODULES_DIR)/slmdm.o
$(INSTALL) -D -m 644 slfax.o $(prefix_dir)/$(MODULES_DIR)/slfax.o
$(INSTALL) -D -m 644 slamrmo.o $(prefix_dir)/$(MODULES_DIR)/slamrmo.o
$(INSTALL) -D -m 644 slusb.o $(prefix_dir)/$(MODULES_DIR)/slusb.o
$(INSTALL) -D -m 755 country.dat $(prefix_dir)/etc/country.dat
$(INSTALL) -d $(prefix_dir)/dev
$(RM) -f $(prefix_dir)/dev/$(MODEM_DEV)
$(MKNOD) -m 666 $(prefix_dir)/dev/$(MODEM_DEV) c 212 0
$(LN) -sf ./$(MODEM_DEV) $(prefix_dir)/dev/$(MODEM_LINK)

from the first statement on it keeps on giving me errors about the read only dirs

08-22-2003, 12:31 AM
I believe you have a path variable prefix_dir at the start of the makefile

and another module_dir you have to change the first one and maybe the other to /home/knoppix/driver

which driver is a folder you have already create

09-14-2003, 11:49 AM

You can see in the file Makefile:

MODULES_DIR = /lib/modules/$(shell ./kernel-ver)/misc

You can try to create a directory in your path (which is writable) like:
mkdir /home/knoppix/modem

Then you can change the line like:
MODULES_DIR = /home/knoppix/modem/lib/modules/$(shell ./kernel-ver)/misc

You will have a module .o in your /home/knoppix/modem/lib/modules/2.4.20-xfs/misc/

But you'll have many other error, like modprobe error...

Once you've your module, you'll have to do:
insmod /home/knoppix/modem/lib/modules/2.4.20-xfs/misc/name_of_your_module.o

Then you've to verify but you'll have to do:
mknod -m 666 /dev/ttySL0 c 212 0
ln -s /dev/ttySL0 /dev/modem

I hope this could help you ;-)