View Full Version : Evolution upgrade question

08-19-2003, 10:07 PM
Hello folks... first off, thanks to all posters who've helped ease me into the community. Without you and Knoppix/Debian (especially apt-get) I wouldn't have the time to figure my way back into a usable Linux setup.


Now the question:

After much trouble I found an answer to installing Evolution on the forum (my isntall is vanilla i386, updated to current testing before installing Evolution) the following worked:

apt-get -s -t unstable install evolution
(removing the '-s' tab for the actual install after a runthrough)

Now my question: will apt-get update pull this package to the newest version in UNSTABLE, or whatever's newest in TESTING (upon which the rest of my setup is based).

If it'll pull UNSTABLE, how do I modify apt-get to pull the testing version... when there is one?

Thanks in advance!

08-19-2003, 10:49 PM
Now my question: will apt-get update pull this package to the newest version in UNSTABLE, or whatever's newest in TESTING (upon which the rest of my setup is based).

If it'll pull UNSTABLE, how do I modify apt-get to pull the testing version... when there is one?

Thanks in advance!

Firstly the version that you pulled in from unstable will be the version that moves into testing after the (IIRC) 10 day wait in unstable if there are no other conflicts preventing it from doing so. When you upgrade apt will upgrade the packages on your system as they are so you will continue to get upgrades to the unstable version of evolution. When you see that the version has moved to testing you would use apt telling it to install the testing version instead of the new unstable that would be available in effect keeping the version you already have installed.