View Full Version : I want to boot into text mode and then startx manually

08-21-2003, 08:39 AM
I'm having horrible problems getting my kmenu to update. Long story short, it worked before and now nothing I try works. Also any mozilla or mozilla-firebord icons I stick in the kicker don't work. I've checked the files in the ~/.kde/share/applnk folder and they're fine. When I try to use kmenuedit, it shows the kmenu I want it to use, yet the system still uses an order one, and making chnages in kmenuedit does nothing to the actual kmenu.

However, the kmenu and mozilla icons work fine when I'm chrooted and copy the contents of /etc/skel into /home/knoppix, then chown all those files, create a .xinitrc, su knoppix, and startx.

So I was thinking of altering the default entry of sysconfig.linux to boot to text mode with knoppix 2, and then writing an init script that does all the copying and chowning of files for me and having it run in /etc/rc2.d. I guess another way to go about it would be to edit the knoppix-autoconfig init script to alter what is done when the knoppix 2 cheatcode is used.

Has anyone done this? Made a remaster that can boot with knoppix 2 and be ready to go straight to an X desktop as soon as the user types startx?

That way a user can boot the CD, and just type startx. Or if they want to use one of the other WM's, they can just do a quick edit on the .xinitrc file and then startx.

I'm just wondering if there's boot-time magic I need to take into consideration for my init script. I guess I should boot into text mode and try to figure out what is not done compared to booting into graphical mode and try to compensate for it.

I was hoping I could get away with just:

echo "Forcing kmenu to update and preparing profile for user knoppix...."
mkdir /ramdisk/home/knoppix
ln -s /ramdisk/home/knoppix /home/knoppix
cp /etc/skel/* /home/knoppix
cp /etc/skel/.* /home/knoppix
chown -R knoppix:knoppix /ramdisk/home/knoppix
echo "Type startx to launch KDE, or edit /home/knoppix/.xinitrc if you prefer a different window manager..."

What I'm worried about are missing some symlinking, specifically with /tmp files and ~/.kde/knoppix-tmp and socket-knoppix.... that's where the user knoppix's tmp files go right, since its on the ramdisk and the regular /tmp is not writeable? I'm also worried about dcopserver, since I seem to get errors about it now and then when chrooted in fluxbox or icewm and trying to run kde apps.

08-21-2003, 11:20 PM
Ok, my init script works, but the kmenu is still the old one. :( I gues I'll do some more work chrooted and see if I can get it fixed....

08-22-2003, 02:35 AM
I have a custom remaster here that boots into init3, however startx does not do it, I have to specify either kdm, gdm or xdm. It has been so long since I made it, but if I remember right I had to edit kdm to make it do this, since kdm is dominent.

08-22-2003, 04:06 AM
Essentially what I did is summarized in the lines above. Copy out the things knoppix needs to have in /home/knoppix and put them in there, su knoppix. Since I'd already created a .xinitrc, in /etc/skel startx will work to start any of the WM's on my remaster.

It just didn't fix my kmenu!!! :x

08-23-2003, 12:14 PM
Ok, what I have done is edit my initab to runlevel 3 instead of 5. By doing this it logs in automatically to root via a text prompt. If I want at that time I do a su knoppix. Then I can startx and get right into the KDE enviroment. Or I can just stay logged in as root and startx, the benifit of the latter is I can remaster alot from a root GUI which speeds things up alot (drag and drop files etc)