View Full Version : Boot from slave HHD

08-22-2003, 05:41 PM
Hi , people,
I have 2 HHd in My PC.is it possible to have 1º (Master) booting Win Xp and ,changing bios feature to boot from 2ºHHD (slave) with Knoppix.
Where can I read about This configuration if possible.

Best regards

08-22-2003, 08:12 PM
Install Knoopix to your second hdd and let it install LILO to the MBR. You won't have to change your BIOS settings everytime you want to boot into the other OS. Just select it from a menu instead. You could tho if you wanted- just choose "no" on installing LILO to MBR and it will instead be installed to the Linux hdd. Then you can choose the second hdd from the BIOS and boot taht way although it's a rather inefficient way to do it.

08-22-2003, 11:46 PM
or you may try w32grub(search on this forum) which runs under XP that will sort of install GRUB on your machine without touching the boot sector and you can chain boot from the NT boot loader to GRUB to whatever version of linux on whatever drive you have.