View Full Version : cFdisk

08-23-2003, 03:27 PM
I like the cFdisk tool.

It helped me to delete Linux partitions , because FDISK could not find any non-DOS partitions :(

I want to put it on a diskette or bootdisk. Where can I download it?

08-23-2003, 07:56 PM
I like cfdisk too! QtParted may be sexier, but I 've seen
cases (specifically, stretching an extended partition) where
the humbler cfdisk was actually more capable.

Anyway, I don't know how to easily build a 1 or 2 floppies
minilinux with cfdisk. What's wrong with booting off the
CDrom? Then you've got a system with all possible drivers
and excellent HW detection. You know you can quickly boot to
text mode by saying "knoppix 2" at the boot prompt, don't you?

08-23-2003, 08:24 PM
Or get something like the slackware root/boot 2 floppy set which has cfdisk.Toms root/boot floppy may have it.Cfdisk is provided by a package called util-linux on debian and theres also some other one called cfdisk-utf8

08-26-2003, 04:54 PM
I like cfdisk too! QtParted may be sexier, but I 've seen
cases (specifically, stretching an extended partition) where
the humbler cfdisk was actually more capable.

Anyway, I don't know how to easily build a 1 or 2 floppies
minilinux with cfdisk. What's wrong with booting off the
CDrom? Then you've got a system with all possible drivers
and excellent HW detection. You know you can quickly boot to
text mode by saying "knoppix 2" at the boot prompt, don't you?

No I didn't know that , I just started the HD installation of Knoppix and deleted the Linux partitions with cFdisk. Well it works :)

When I boot in text mode , how do I start cFdisk? And how do I reboot / turn off the computer in text mode?

08-26-2003, 07:30 PM
When I boot in text mode , how do I start cFdisk? And how do I reboot / turn off the computer in text mode?


shutdown -r now

shutdown -h now

Ciao Martin

08-26-2003, 07:31 PM
When I boot in text mode , how do I start cFdisk? And how do I reboot / turn off the computer in text mode?

To start just type cfdisk to shutdown the system shutdown -h now for immediate shutdown shutdown -r now to re-boot all this as root of course.

08-26-2003, 07:33 PM
Thnx :D