View Full Version : Can't burn with K3B...please Help!

08-23-2003, 05:38 PM

i try to describe my problem.
I Have a damaged HDD with very important personal files.
Knoppix is the only program (WinXP tells me the HDD ist not partitioned), which still recognizes the HDD and even allow me to open the files. My Idea was now to burn the files on CD-R, but I always get following message "mkisofs returned error5" "error while creating iso image" "could not unlock CD-Drive".

Thanks 4 all answers.

08-23-2003, 06:08 PM
A lot of people have trouble with k3b.I dont run kde or use that app but you could search "k3b" on this site to see how to configure it.OR you could just use the command line and be done.I am assuming you have both a cdrom and a cdburner.

Move some files you want to save into a folder named burn_cd (for example)
Make this folder into an iso :
#mkisofs -o my.iso -R burn_cd

Say cdrecord --scanbus and get the dev id for your burner (mine is 0,0,0)
0,0,0 0) 'CDWRITER' 'IDE4816 ' '482S' Removable CD-ROM

Burn your cd :
#cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=12 my.iso

08-23-2003, 06:32 PM
slowly...it's the first time for me, that i'm using a linux-based system :roll:

It's impossible for me to move any file because of the message "that's a NTFS-Partition and it's to dangerous to write something on it".

1.Where's the "command line"?
2.What do you mean with "Say cdrecord --scanbus " ? -> make this command in the command line and i get the information about my cdburner?
3.Use "#" in the commands or not?

Sorry for the dumb question but it's realy the first time...thanks.

08-23-2003, 06:53 PM
Sorry about the ntfs :cry:

Just forget about my post and mabey someone will help soon with the k3b or something.
Im off-topic but while im off............

If your running the kde desktop there should be a little icon in the "kicker" (tray) that looks like a little television set with a sea-shell on it.You could click on that and open a "shell" to enter command lines.You dont enter the "#" I was just showing that you needed to be "root" to use that command.In linux the root user has the "#" in is prompt and the regular users have the "$".

cdrecord --scanbus is a command that would return some usefull data about your drives.

You really cant write safely to ntfs from linux so i hope you have lots of ram and someone knows how to use k3b or something.

See if this link is any help on saving your data http://www.shockfamily.net/cedric/knoppix/

How big are the files you need to save...any chance of using the floppy?

Mabey you could use qtparted and resize the disk and save some data on another partition,install knoppix and then burn but dont try this yet...lets see what some others have to say ;)

08-23-2003, 07:30 PM
How big are the files you need to save...any chance of using the floppy?

Or a usb flash drive, an old (format it to ext2 or vfat in cfdisk) hard drive, even a Compact Flash card borrowed from a digital camera ........

08-23-2003, 07:52 PM

Thnx for your detailed explication.
The URL is realy helpful as well.No, unfortunately my filesize ist to big.


Nice Idea, I give it a try.

Any Idea about the "error 5" Message?
When I convert NTFS to FAT32, will all my files be deleted?


08-24-2003, 01:52 AM
When I convert NTFS to FAT32, will all my files be deleted?

I really don't know -- I've never used NTFS. Anyone?

Earl Gibbs
08-24-2003, 03:34 AM
I am an old hardware field service tech so I
offer a possible hardware solution.
Get a old, small, hard drive, format it with
a DOS boot disk or windows then install
it as a slave drive.
When you boot knopix it will show up as a icon
on the desktop and you can mount it and
use the file manager to drag and drop the files
you wish to save to the small HD.


08-24-2003, 03:36 AM
A note and fix, maybe someone can comment.

I was having problems with k3b, and when I finally went to the command line and did a cdrecord -scanbus, was given an error message about no permissions. I am in the CD Writer/record group though.

As Root, everything worked fine. Checking cdrecord, it's owning user was Root, and owning group was lpadmin. Isn't the last for printer administration? I just added myself to the lpadmin group to make it all work, but it confuses this semi-newbie a bit.