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View Full Version : chroot problem

01-20-2003, 03:44 AM
OK I am trying to make my own knoppix CD, I followed the wiki tutorial for how to remaster it to the letter, but first of all when I copy the source from the CD, it gives me all these errors about symbolic links and stuff, I jsut ignore them because Stuff gets copied anyways.

When I go to chroot the knoppix source directory, It gives me an error

"chroot:/bin/bash: No such file or directory"

I have checked and both in my knoppix source directory and my knoppix directory bash exists so I am quite confused.

Any help would be appreciated

01-20-2003, 04:23 AM
When I go to chroot the knoppix source directory, It gives me an error

"chroot:/bin/bash: No such file or directory"

I have checked and both in my knoppix source directory and my knoppix directory bash exists so I am quite confused.

Any help would be appreciated

I think maybe you left out one of the command-line switches. I've done it too. You should get an error "does not comply with iso9660" or something, then you know it is working right

03-09-2004, 07:53 AM
What do you mean with command line switches?

03-09-2004, 09:50 AM
What do you mean with command line switches?
A command line switch (also known as a flag switch) is an extra modifier to be given to the command you are running.

Example: mount -t vfat /dev/hdb1 /cdrive -o ro
Okay, in the example I used two switches, -t and -o. In this case -t means 'filesystem Type' and it's followed by the filesystem I am mounting. The '-o' stands for option and I am requesting that the filesystem be mounted 'read only'.

try using the man pages to learn more about a given command.
example: man mount (to get the manual pages for mount).

Good luck!

03-09-2004, 01:52 PM
After making the mistake myself, I learned that /bin/bash must exsist in the directory you're chrooting into. It doesn't matter if it exsists in your regular directory. So, check to make sure /bin/bash is present in the directory your chrooting into......

03-15-2004, 06:53 AM
...but first of all when I copy the source from the CD, it gives me all these errors about symbolic links and stuf...,
Did you use cp -pR to copy the KNOPPIX source?