View Full Version : Auto scan

09-04-2003, 02:59 AM
I have recently downloaded knoppix and I must say it is great, i am running it on a laptop (PIII 500Mhz) and it works great, I am currently running knoppix from CD because it's not my laptop and i am not allowed to perform potentially dangerous changes on it.

Anyway, i was wondering if there is any way or will be in the future that knoppix could automaticaclly scan the devices to see if there is a persistent home or a saved configuration, so instead of using knoppix home=scan everytime i boot to load my home directory I would use knoppix home=none (for example) if I messed up my home and I want to start from zero (the same way for the saved configuration).

Now one question related (I'm too lazy to create a new topic) if i edit some configuration files, like /etc/fstab or httpd.conf to mention some, if I save the configuration will those files restored if I boot using the cheat code knoppix myconfig=scan?. Thankz.

09-04-2003, 06:15 AM
oops! I see we had the other post in the Idea section,
Yes it is better to post this as a general question.
The nice adminsitator will likely move the other post :wink:

Welcome phx,

There are a number of ways to use and start KNOPPIX.

I your case -- to leave the laptop safe -- but make it
easier to boot, use a boot floppy.

The image for the boot floppy is on your CD.
/KNOPPIX/boot.img or /KNOPPIX/boot-en.img
Look for docs to see how to use mkfloppy.bat or
or uses the linux dd comand.

Now make sure the laptop boots from floppy first.
Then edit syslinux.cfg on the floppy. The second line
-- it long and wraps, so go to the end and add you
"cheat codes". Look at docs -- cheat codes.

If you can't make persistent home on the fat32
hard dirve -- consider a usb hard drive, a usb
memory stick, or even a second CDRW drive.

Well we are all "lazy" -- this will get you started and
hopefully inspired. Let us know if you get stuck.

Best Wishes

09-04-2003, 07:16 AM
Thanks for your help, paradocs, it's funny, phx is short for pharaox, anyway, about the floppy disk suggestion, does knoppix detects the boot floppy automatically without adding the floppydisk cheatcode?. That could be very useful. However, what do you think about editing the syslinux.cfg in the CD rom and then burning?. There are a few utils to do that under linux and windows. I have been reading about it and it seems quite simple. Personally i don't trust very much in floppy disks they get damaged too easy. Thankz again for the help.

PS: By the way, how do i delete a topic? (the one in the ideas section)

8) PHX

I have deleted it.


09-04-2003, 08:30 PM
Hi phx,

The boot floppy will work just fine without any editing.
Actually, one use is for older computers that only
allow booting from the hard drive or the floppy.

It is the computers bios that detects the boot floppy
--long before KNOPPIX springs to life. New computer
bios settings can be changed to boot in diffent order
from the hard drive, floppy, CD, usb, etc.

Best Wishes