View Full Version : The Things You do not want to see in Linux Distros thread

09-07-2003, 03:33 AM
The boot and shutdown rundown screen. I dont wanna look at a gui when it shuts down or when it boots up. I wanna see what is going on. That has helped me troubleshoot when something didnt seem to work right.

I did this at Just Linux forums too. Will be intresting to see how it turns out.

09-15-2003, 07:17 PM
This is something I could do without:


Henk Poley
09-15-2003, 08:40 PM
Well, without Microsoft no Linux-as-it's-now. It think. Don't know if you/I should like it, but anyways. Not all things Microsoft does are bad. They did do a lot of things wrong and unethical, I know. But still...

Just like, if Tanenbaum wasn't that subborn we might be running HURD and yell at the GNU folkes for the instability (or maybe they would have fixed it by now).

Anyways, it's probably me and lots of other (Linux) people, but I think .NET might as well be a good idea.