View Full Version : Latest Version Won't Detect HD Partitions

09-09-2003, 05:22 AM
As with the july versions(07-26) the latest version(0905) won't detect my HD partitions. The last version which can detect is 0606. I am using a 40GB Seagate with 2 VFAT and 6 ext3 linux plus 2 swap.

I don't know what to do.

09-10-2003, 01:51 AM
What type of PC is it? Are the drives plugged in to the ide on board or an add in card? 66, 100, or 133?

09-10-2003, 03:35 AM
What type of PC is it? Are the drives plugged in to the ide on board or an add in card? 66, 100, or 133?

I don't think there is any defect with my pc. As I have stated version 0606 boots and works ok. I have a slackware 9 and a knoppix hard install based on 0606 version. Both has a new kernel(2.4.22) and everything works ok. So does the win98se on a vfat partition.

To answer your question, it is a celeron 433mhz on a pcchips mobo,66 and drive is plug in the ide.