View Full Version : How can I use KPACKAGE?

09-10-2003, 08:33 AM
Hi, I'm a new spanish user of knoppix. And I'm new in Linux too :oops: .

After see the living CD, I installed Knoppix into the hard disk.

I've been trying launch Xine program to see AVI videos, but, when I click the icon, the system starts working for a few seconds and then... nothing. I don't now why it happens, but I haved and idea... Reinstall this program. But, when I use KPackage and I try to uninstall this program (or install/uninstall any other program in the list, appears the next message "exec failed: No existe el fichero o el directorio" [in english: "exec failed: Don't exists file or directory"].

I tried to put a lot of things in the configure menu of the app (into APT Debian directory), but I do something wrong.

Please, can anyone help me?


PD: I'm always working as root.

09-10-2003, 08:55 PM
I use Synaptic, seems to work better.
apt-get update
apt-get install synaptic

09-11-2003, 01:15 AM
I'm with Matt. Kpackage is fine for really simple programs, but Synaptic is a better tool all round.

As to Xine, have you tried (from the command line):

cd /to/where/my/avis/are/

xine something.avi


09-11-2003, 01:24 AM
PD: I'm always working as root.

This is the problem. try working as non-root and kpackage would work. However, I prefer apt-get than any of these GUI/Menu interface. I use kpackage to check things like what files is included in a package or what dependency there is. Good for trouble shooting but too slow and cumbersome for actually install things.