View Full Version : SSHD configuration

09-10-2003, 10:08 AM

This problem is not KNOPPIX specific but I hope that there is KNOPPIX user/admin who is also familiar with SSH.

Is there a way to control SSH such that it would only accept a list of login users not just based on passwd but also some public/private key mechanism.

The scenario is this :

I want to setup a kerberos/openldap server. Since these two database would carry the most important information of an organisation, the ideal situation would be that they are located in a locked room with no remote login allowed so there would be no 'root' exposure to the raw data.

However, this would make remote rescue impossible. So to open up a bit(may not be a good idea from security point of view), I want to run SSHD on it. To enhance the security, I want to limit only remote user having a known RSA key, in addition to the standard password login procedure. So only a handful of 'administrators' is allowed to remote admin the system. So even they have the bad habit of writing down password on a paper, it would still be useless unless someone also steal the private key.

Is this possible or can anyone give me some points about sshd ? The man page is very vague.

09-10-2003, 04:55 PM
This page (http://huizen.dto.tudelft.nl/devries/security/ssh2_pubkey_auth_config.html) should be what you are looking for.