View Full Version : Running exe's on Knoppix - I just got Knoppix today!

09-11-2003, 01:23 PM
Can i run my old Windows exe's such as visual basic, microsoft word, internet explorer, etc. on Knoppix (i run Knoppix from a CD)

09-11-2003, 03:01 PM
You may be able to run some of them with the use of WINE, but don't expect a the majority of them to work. Wine is still in development. All you need to do is click on the wine icon on your K menu bar and walk through the wizard setup. Then you will need to navigate to the location of your exes inside a shell. Once you get to the location where your exes are you need to issue this command: "wine name_of_exe"

09-11-2003, 03:31 PM
But most of the time you will see the winblowsprog's dont work, and you'll have to use linux-software. Remember, linux is NOT windows, its totally different. It doenst even try to be windows, why should it - if you want windows, use windows...

Be happy if wine can run your windows software, but dont be sad if it doesnt, cuz thats the usual way it is...

Internet exploder is slow, better use Konqueror or mozilla
For word, you can use Kword or OpenWord (look in Kmenu>Office)
and there is PLENTY developersoftware on the cd.

09-11-2003, 04:44 PM

Internet exploder is slow, better use Konqueror or mozilla
For word, you can use Kword or OpenWord (look in Kmenu>Office)
and there is PLENTY developersoftware on the cd.]

has it.

If you want a really fast browser, try Dillo (which, strangely enough, is Romany for mad) but it can't handle javascript so may not work on all sites.

For a nice visual IDE (but way better than VB and "really" OO) you might try Squeak


It's bit identical on all major platforms and included with the Japanese version of Knoppix (should be on the English & German ones, but that's another issue.........).

It's Smalltalk, so, relatively plain English syntax (and shorter than RSI inducing VB) and direct manipulation in Morphic.

09-11-2003, 04:53 PM
visual basic, microsoft word, internet explorer

those programs will be hard to use, if at all possible. However, there are alternatives.
Mozilla is much better than explorer, though you might prefer Galeon or Konkeror.
AbiWord and OpenOffice (and others) are compatible with word formats.
Visual Basic is not a good language, it teaches you very bad programming habits. Learn a little Java. Python is great too. They're not as easy, but for non-trivial programs they're better.

You might have to do a hd install and apt-get some of those tools, namely the gtk (gnome) libraries. QT (KDE's libraries) have similiar programs on the CD too.
Anyway, the CD is to present you with the alternative, and the open source world.Try the tools. Feel the differences. Some are good, some are bad. See what you prefer.

A. Jorge Garcia
09-11-2003, 06:50 PM
I'm stuck teaching VB to my intro programming class. I haven't found any equivalent in Linux. If I could, at least ALL my students could get off M$ WINDOZE....

Intro Semester = VB6
Intermediate Semester = C++
Advanced Year = Java


09-12-2003, 12:27 AM
Jorge, you might try Squeak as an alternative to VB. It isn't a VB equivalent, but is a real OO language. :D

I don't know where you're teaching (or in what language, so forgive any assumptions), but Squeak is used by Gatech's CS department and there are big Squeak communities in Argentina and Brazil too. Pedagogical support from Gatechs most excellent Mark Guzdial, and various folk at Berne U, too. It's pretty much the only Smalltalk which retains the original spirit of a programming language for children of all ages.

There's stuff on www.squeakland.org done by 8 and 9 year olds, too! :wink:

09-12-2003, 07:49 AM
thankyou all for posting replys. :D