View Full Version : Knoppix Univercity Customization

09-13-2003, 12:21 PM

Hello Veterans,

We have a number of univercity project including customized Knoppix. We want to use customized Knoppix for our linux/perl students. We need following :

-Just console login no GUI. Or GUI with only a few given software.
-Boot process should be completely unstopable. we dont want to student use ctrl-d or soem stuff to break login proeces..
-Automatically check HD and automatically customize it without asking anything. (secon version that should be interactively ask the HD install procedure)
-Install mysql-apache-php-perl and required modules for them to HD.
-All the data files (databases - logs - pid files etc should be on this HD)
-The Knoppix login name and the directory names should be changed to univercity name.
-network : IP adres should be ask the user and they can chose either static or DHCP ip.
-system should be completely secure and not allow to user be root change any thing in the system.

These are the basic of the project.

Is there any volunteer veteran that want to help us on this with a small contribition?

