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View Full Version : Knoppix Gaming CD

01-23-2003, 01:18 AM
any takers on creating a complete cd of knoppix dedicated servers ... quake I,II,III (i know the last one exists already), SOF, SOF2, UT, UTK2003 , Counterstrike etc etc etc.... :D .. also the cd need not run any window managers, just kick off the processes in the background manually from the command prompt...?

02-25-2003, 02:39 AM
Knoppix game CDs is a good idea as a method of selling Linux games. Transgaming is marketing WINE-X for the gaming market. A commercial version of Knoppix with Transgaming's WINE-X libraries and a game on it could replace Windows gaming. Because there are so few Linux games, it is unlikely a typical gamer would buy and install Linux specifically to play linux games, and so few games developers will write Linux games. However if the game comes with it's own OS environment on CD and doesn't touch the Windows installation, then gamers will buy it because as far as they are concerned, it is just a game CD like any other. For games developers, having a controlled environment to run the game in and not having Windows hog resources may be attractive. The Windows hard drive can be used if necessary by using a filesystem running under the Windows filesystem or by repartitioning the hard drive.

03-04-2003, 07:28 PM
well i was thinking of at least starting out with getting the dedicated servers to run off knoppix. managed to get in touch with a few folks and ave already written up stuff to run cs servers. this should be coming out in a future release of morphix (if i can get alex to do it ) :D

03-04-2003, 10:40 PM
well i was thinking of at least starting out with getting the dedicated servers to run off knoppix. managed to get in touch with a few folks and ave already written up stuff to run cs servers. this should be coming out in a future release of morphix (if i can get alex to do it ) :D

I am willing to help make a few of those, namely the UT2K3 server, and game.... At least as best I can...

could you hook me up with the CS server iso?

03-05-2003, 05:56 AM
god..:D message me on icq and we can get this rolling. spoke to alextreme today and am waitin to hear back on an ftp site for me to upload the cs ded server. if you are making ut2k3, the one thing i would recommend is to keep the scripts generic enough for people to replace...also i hear Ut2k3 is a bitch even for lan gaming...sudden lags and what nots..so i assume u would be patching to 2199 or whatever the latest version is :) let me know either way...

03-05-2003, 07:57 AM
sorry... I dont use ICQ.. I use GAIM, with the AIM protocol... I was simply planning on putting the ut2k3 on a base from knoppix/morphix, (mostlikely morphix come to think of it.... i believe it has support for the nvidia drivers already....) patching, and trying that out....

03-05-2003, 01:47 PM
hmm, i'm afraid i'll have to disapoint you on that, the nvidia drivers had quite a few difficulties associated with it so i disabled them for now. Hope to include them in the 0.4 release, but this might take one or two weeks before it's released

Work has started on a special server-module, having a number of different serveraddon's for specific games would be a better way, as i'm trying to keep GUI and servers seperate. For more info on what the default servermodule will contain, check out http://am.xs4all.nl/phpwiki/index.php/MainServer :D

Bloodmire, i was working on it but something came in between, sorry :)

03-05-2003, 08:16 PM
hmm, i'm afraid i'll have to disapoint you on that, the nvidia drivers had quite a few difficulties associated with it so i disabled them for now. Hope to include them in the 0.4 release, but this might take one or two weeks before it's released

Work has started on a special server-module, having a number of different serveraddon's for specific games would be a better way, as i'm trying to keep GUI and servers seperate. For more info on what the default servermodule will contain, check out http://am.xs4all.nl/phpwiki/index.php/MainServer :D

Bloodmire, i was working on it but something came in between, sorry :)

No probs alex. as for "god", i completely agree with alex on saying that we should keep the server side and the client sides completely different. Its real nice to have both of them on one, but the problem is that server side stuff needs a minimal install + gui..so it gives us more space to install additional maps and tools.
as for the nvidia drivers, man they are a bitch to run with TNT2 card, i've been trying it with ,my version of MDK9.0 and its totally unstable...keeps freezing my console...so im not sure what we should do about it...maybe provide an option at startup to use the nvidia drivers but at ones own risk....(on the client cd of course)

03-05-2003, 10:16 PM
good points all around.... i will see what can be done...

03-06-2003, 03:54 PM
does anyone want me to build it? its not gonna be too hard given that i already have completed the server for quake 3 (full version).
Alex, God, KQ, let me know. We can easily fit this on the same distro as CS/DOD.