View Full Version : Loading configuration files from the floppy

09-16-2003, 10:42 PM
I'm having trouble loading my configuration from a floppy. When I type "knoppix myconfig=scan" and "knoppix myconfig=/mnt/auto/floppy" and "knoppix myconfig=/mnt/floppy", none of them work.

it says something about "/mnt/ is a directory". after this error message, when i let it proceed without loading my configuration, it then mounts the floppy. I thought this was a little backward...

later, when in KDE, i can access the floppy just fine.

anyone know what my problem is?

09-17-2003, 05:44 AM
Greetings mechanical_messiah

There are quite a few differnt ways to use
KNOPPIX. If you want to configure form
the floppy disk, then it may be best to boot
from that floppy disk.

Are you booting from the floppy?

The CD has an image of a boot floppy.
Use that image make the boot floppy.
It is in the CD folder /KNOPPIX and is
called sometning like boot.img

On the floppy you can edit the file called
syslinux.cfg and add the "cheat" codes
to the second long line.

The space on the floppy is limited but
you can add a file to made by

K --> KNOPPIX --> Configure
--> Save KNOPPIX configuration

Make it on different floppy and
then copying it to you boot floppy.

Best Wishes

09-17-2003, 03:45 PM
I'm having trouble loading my configuration from a floppy. When I type "knoppix myconfig=scan" and "knoppix myconfig=/mnt/auto/floppy" and "knoppix myconfig=/mnt/floppy", none of them work.

it says something about "/mnt/ is a directory". after this error message, when i let it proceed without loading my configuration, it then mounts the floppy. I thought this was a little backward...

later, when in KDE, i can access the floppy just fine.

anyone know what my problem is?

Yes, you don't use "knoppix floppyconf" ;-)

Yes, thats all. Floppyconf was there before the whole Save config on hda was even invented :-).

