View Full Version : Copying Knoppix - New CD Won't Boot

09-17-2003, 04:15 AM
I've searched the forums already on this problem and haven't found my answer. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

My problem is that after I create an ISO of my Knoppix CD and burn it to a CDR, that CDR isn't bootable. The iso is "unpacked" on the cd and it appears to have all of the files that are on the original CD. I've tried this with multiple programs (Nero, eroaster) on multiple OS's (Win98, Linux). I really don't seem to have any problems creating the iso or burning it to a CD no matter what I do. It's just that the CDR isn't bootable.

Is there something fundamental that I'm missing that anyone can point out? I'm assuming that the problem is with the way that I'm creating the ISO. Is there a special way that I'm supposed to use to create the ISO?

Thanks in advance for any help!

09-17-2003, 06:30 AM
I have no idea how (or why) you'd make an .iso under M$ but it is quite simple in Linux really. You can use dd or cat and put the .iso anywhere you like:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/usr/Knoppix.iso


cat /dev/scd0 > Knoppix.iso

That works every time. Then to burn it just do:

cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 Knoppix.iso

09-17-2003, 07:01 AM
I've only made Knoppix CDs from isos, never the other way around, but the results you're getting suggest the cd-to-iso procedure is failing. Is there are a reason the downloaded Knoppix iso won't work in your application?

09-17-2003, 10:55 AM
My problem is that after I create an ISO of my Knoppix CD and burn it to a CDR, that CDR isn't bootable. The iso is "unpacked" on the cd and it appears to have all of the files that are on the original CD. I've tried this with multiple programs (Nero, eroaster) on multiple OS's (Win98, Linux). I really don't seem to have any problems creating the iso or burning it to a CD no matter what I do. It's just that the CDR isn't bootable.
What exactly do you mean, create an ISO from the Knoppix CD? Why not just
copy the original, then? Are you trying to alter its contents? Then it's a remaster,
I guess. Anyway you need to create a bootable, "el torito" CD, and make sure
the CD reader is bootable in the BIOS. Sorry, can't think of anythinge else....

09-17-2003, 03:48 PM
I've searched the forums already on this problem and haven't found my answer. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

My problem is that after I create an ISO of my Knoppix CD and burn it to a CDR, that CDR isn't bootable. The iso is "unpacked" on the cd and it appears to have all of the files that are on the original CD. I've tried this with multiple programs (Nero, eroaster) on multiple OS's (Win98, Linux). I really don't seem to have any problems creating the iso or burning it to a CD no matter what I do. It's just that the CDR isn't bootable.

Is there something fundamental that I'm missing that anyone can point out? I'm assuming that the problem is with the way that I'm creating the ISO. Is there a special way that I'm supposed to use to create the ISO?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Did you ever think that you bios might not be able to boot from CD-Rom ?

Try to make a boot floppy. Under Windows there is a batch-file called mkfloppy.bat. Run it, boot from the disk and go on :-).



09-17-2003, 05:39 PM
Thanks for all of the help! Just to clarify, I am able to boot Knoppix using the CD that I bought online. My BIOS is set up to boot from a CD. It's just that when I rip an iso from the CD and burn it to a CDR, I can't boot from that CDR.

I can't download an iso from the website because I have a dialup connection. Also, I can't copy the CD because I only have one CD ROM (a cdrw actually) on my computer.

rickenbacherus' suggestions sound good so I'll try them. Thanks again to everyone!

12-14-2003, 04:39 AM
I have always been able to make a copy of a CD with Nero,

I just put the original in the recorder and select Copy CD,

Nero reads the original and puts it's contents on my HD.

It then asks for a blank disc to be inserted.

And it then copies the data from the HD onto the Blank.

Have you tried to do that? or is your HD to small to hold the image?