View Full Version : Network works fine under K3.2, doesn't work under 3.3

09-27-2003, 02:55 PM
The detection of the network works fine under K3.2-2003-07-26 and before.
But now under K3.3, it doesn't recognize the network, nothing !
I try netcardconfig with good proprities, but nothing !
I understand nothing... :cry: :cry:
Please help me, I like very much the new design of K3.3 :)

10-07-2003, 03:04 AM
eth0 is not in my /etc/network/interface

I'm sad to say knoppix has been a real bummer in the 3.2 and 3.3 releases. In 3.2, kpackage didn't work. Now, no networking.

Lots of recent posts seem to be driven from this problem... is there an answer somewhere?