View Full Version : KDE with KDevelop

09-30-2003, 04:17 PM
All I want is to have KDE and KDevelop and a couple of stand-alone command-line apps...

I know I already asked this question, and I was told I'd have to remaster it to keep it a live CD. How do I do that? Or has someone out there already done that?

10-01-2003, 05:19 AM
Greetings Spyder_Snyper,

The KNOPPIX DVD has enough space and has KDevelop
and KDevelop- Setup. Read that forum area.

The DVD was a one time promotional premium for
attending Lenux Tag fair in Germany. It did have
a cloop bug. I operate from it and have not
found problems for what I need. I hope it is supported
in the future but Klaus Knopper has plenty on his plate.

I have not tried KDevelop. The DVD might be
a good place to start without having to to a lot
of downloading and further customizing.

Best Wishes