View Full Version : Something like Window's Taskmanager?

09-30-2003, 04:54 PM
I'm a newbie to Linux (I've only been playing with it off and on for the last year because some moron fried the machine I got to setup as adedicated linux box shortly after I got it), and while I'm able to find my way around most of the time (Bash isn't that hard, and the interface is easy GUI wise) I'm still having a few problems. There are a few games that hang on my system sometime, and do not respond to just hitting the x (like nethack) so I was wondering what would be the linux alternative to Taskmanager?

09-30-2003, 05:32 PM
Hi Hellmark,

<ALT><CTRL><ESC> changes the cursor to "skull and crossbones". Click into the window you want to close.
_Don't_ click into the panel or root window.

Ciao Martin

10-02-2003, 10:04 PM
eh, it isn't exactly like that (not on my Knoppix). <CTRL>+<ESC> starts a "task manager" (system guard?) and <CTRL>+<ESC>+<ALT> gives the functions you describe (on my system)


10-02-2003, 10:24 PM
Kmenu > System > KDE System Guard


[ctrl] [esc] (results will vary depending on what the application is and what state it's in!)

or (from the command line)


then kill (pid)

man top and man kill for details.

If all else fails (and sometimes it does) go to log out then log in as different user and choose restart X server. Then log in as yourself.

10-05-2003, 11:45 PM
On my Knoppix 3.3 system you need to press ctrl - alt - esc to bring up the skull and crossbones which will kill any application. Be careful that the application you want to close is viewable when you press this key combination and don't click on anything that you don't want closed.
