View Full Version : Viewing videos

10-05-2003, 05:23 PM
Hi folks!

New to Linux/Knoppix.

I want to view movie trailers on the Apple.com website. Normally, I use Windows/Quicktime but there seems to be no option for Linux.

What to do? Can I use Xine or is there a Quicktime version that will run with Knoppix, or something else entirely?

Thanks in advance!

10-06-2003, 07:13 AM
--You have to be installed to HD, but you can install mplayer.

' apt-get install mplayer-686 w32codecs '

--Go also to the mplayer site ( http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design6/dload.html ) and
Install mplayer-skin--default-1.7.tar.bz2 into
Install mplayer--qt6dlls.tar.bz2, mplayer--qtextras.tar.bz2

--Hopefully that should work, there's lots of stuff on the web to help with installing/using mplayer.

Hi folks!

New to Linux/Knoppix.

I want to view movie trailers on the Apple.com website. Normally, I use Windows/Quicktime but there seems to be no option for Linux.

What to do? Can I use Xine or is there a Quicktime version that will run with Knoppix, or something else entirely?

Thanks in advance!

10-13-2003, 04:07 AM

Again, thanks in advance for your help. I've been able to figure out a bunch of new things from your post.

Question -

what do you mean by this line...

' apt-get install mplayer-686 w32codecs '

and this line

Install mplayer--qt6dlls.tar.bz2, mplayer--qtextras.tar.bz2

Are these instructions to be typed into the shell? Sorry, I'm really new at Linux. :)

10-13-2003, 01:13 PM
(Activate patience... Ok)

As root, you type that apt-get install line while connected to the Internet. Apt then installs mplayer-686 and the Win codecs.

You may have to add this to /etc/apt/sources.list :

# mplayer 2003.0715
deb http://marillat.free.fr/ stable main
deb http://marillat.free.fr/ unstable main

--Check http://www.apt-get.org/ for other unofficial debian software.

When downloading the files from the mplayer website (the .bz2 files) I renamed them on the fly to mplayer--origfilename so I knew what they were related to. You *have* to have a default skin, and you said you wanted to view QT files. So you download those bz2's and install them where the mplayer site tells you to.

There is a howto on their website:


Again, thanks in advance for your help. I've been able to figure out a bunch of new things from your post.

Question -

what do you mean by this line...

' apt-get install mplayer-686 w32codecs '

and this line

Install mplayer--qt6dlls.tar.bz2, mplayer--qtextras.tar.bz2

Are these instructions to be typed into the shell? Sorry, I'm really new at Linux. :)