View Full Version : hnx-hdinstall : Command not found ???

10-06-2003, 12:33 PM
Hello guys,
I'm a bit of a linux newbye, but I tried to install knoppix, the v 3.3 one, but it just wouldn't work.
I opened a terminal session with Ctrl-Alt-F2
and hitted
hnx-hdinstall ... but nothing, it just told me
bash : hnx-hdinstall : command not found
I tried with
sudo hnx-hdinstall ...
but nope, still nothing.
Would you have any advice please ? I would be most grateful,
I got a Laptop, presario 2130, and so far it is the only distrib that seems to work on that puter. Red hat and aurox (which is a Red hat too) also freeze.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
thanks in advance,


10-06-2003, 12:49 PM
That's because its knx-hdinstall not hnx-hdinstall.

Also, you should take a look at using knoppix-installer

10-06-2003, 01:00 PM
Argh LOL... thanks a lot ...
I am a dummy :oops: and I have a bad eyesight.