View Full Version : Citrix question

10-06-2003, 06:36 PM
Being a newbie I have a question on a subject that has come up a lot and still, I'm not sure how to do it :?

I want to create a Knoppix CD with Citrix on it. Reading the posts here I got the feeling that quite a few people did this. I just don't know how exactly to do it.

I found on the web some HOWTO's and I guess I could manage to create my Knoppix CD. The thing I don't know is how to add Citrix on it ?

I downloaded the .tar.gz file and I know I can install it with ./setupwfc. The question is: where should I install it in order to pick it up when I create the new .iso ?

Do I have to change the default installation path ? Do I have to change anything else :?:

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

10-06-2003, 07:08 PM
There are quite a few how-to's out there already so I don't think that writing another is necessary. I do remasters from hdd- not from a live booted cd so this may not apply to you verbatim. Basically you do this:

Boot into Linux from hdd.
copy /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX to a partition on your hard drive.
Mount the drive with KNOPPIX on it (if it isn't already mounted).
chroot into KNOPPIX
mount -t proc /proc proc
You may want to get networking going at this point.
Now, since you've changed root over to your remaster all you need to do is build Citrix as you normally would. Everything executed in chroot stays right there in your remaster.

Then make your .iso, toast it up and away you go.

10-07-2003, 07:04 PM
I thought it would be easier to tweak Knoppix if I installed it on the HDD, so I did it.

I removed packages and I added some. I'll add a few more things and then I'm done. I'm ready to create an iso from the HDD.

The problem is that I couldn't find any HOWTOs for remastering from HDD. I read some posts saying that it's easy, some that it's difficult...

And I still don't have a clue how to do it. I could try remaster from the CD, but since I already have a great custom Knoppix on my HDD I would like to use it for remastering.

How could I do it ? Is there any link to a HOWTO ? Please help :? Thanks