View Full Version : how to use samba?

10-07-2003, 08:33 PM
I have tried to configure Lisa and Relisa hundreds of times, but I could never access to my win computer

I dont know if Im doing it right: I juest exec Lisa daemon (# lisa) and the in konqueror I write lan:/ instead of file:/, by it alwais shows an error or just nothing happens

Please could anybody explain how to share files beteen Linux and windows in LAN

10-07-2003, 09:34 PM
I haven't been able to do this either but I have managed to connect to my Win comptuer using 'LinNeighorhood'. All you should have to do is add your Win machine under the 'Add' tab, shares will be mounted as you access them.
My problem is getting the Win machine to connect to the Knoppix machine but I'm going to post this as a separate message.

10-17-2003, 01:36 PM
use "smb://servername" instead of "lan://" should work.
The moment you need rights you will be asked for username/password.